Order these numbers

    • [DOC File]Ordering Decimals - tandrageemaths


      Ordering Decimals. Which is the largest 3.24 or 3.25? Which distance is the longest: 23.234m or 23.54m? Put these numbers in ascending order: 3.7, 3.07, 3.172, 3.17.

      order numbers from least to greatest

    • [DOC File]Reception - Literacy


      Show chn a puppet. Muddles is learning to order numbers. He put these on the line this morning. He’s almost got it right. Ask chn to whisper to a neighbour what is wrong. Choose a child to help Muddles put his numbers in the right order. Take them off, and repeat, each time swapping two or more nos. Guided task with teacher Easy .

      put these numbers in order

    • [DOCX File]jessmixedreceptionyearoneideas.files.wordpress.com


      Add and subtract one digit and two digit numbers to 20, including zero Solve one step problems involving addition and subtraction… Multiplication and Division

      least to greatest sorter

    • [DOCX File]3.1c comparing numbers


      The teacher should explain when we compare and order numbers we have to look at the greatest value in each number, and if those values are equal we must then move to the next value. To further this discussion, write the following numbers on the board: 123,645. 123,465. 123,578. 123,587. Have the students order these numbers from least to greatest.

      put numbers in order

    • [DOC File]Divide and Conquer: Integer Multiplication


      Imagine multiplying an n-bit number by another n-bit number, where n is a perfect power of 2. (This will make the analysis easier.) We can split up each of these numbers into two halves. Let the first number be I, and the second be J. Let the "left half" of the first number be …

      rank the numbers from greatest to least

    • [DOCX File]Worksheet 2.4 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers


      Author: Henrico County Created Date: 05/06/2017 15:57:00 Title: Worksheet 2.4 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Last modified by: Microsoft Office User

      least and greatest

    • [DOC File]Guided notes: Scientific notation


      ***Try changing these numbers from scientific notation to standard notation*** 9.678 x 104 _____ 7.4521 x 10-3 _____ 8.513904567 x 107 _____ 4.09748 x 10-5 _____ Standard Notation to Scientific Notation: 1) First, move the decimal after the first whole number: 3 2 5 8. ...

      numbers in order tool

    • [DOC File]6th grade Math End of Course Exam Review


      1) Place these numbers on the number line:-1/2, -2, 4, -3, 1½, -1. Solve the following fraction problems and put your answer in simplest form. 2) 2 ÷ 3 3) 3 – 1 4) 4 x 5 5) 2 ½ + 5 ⅔. 5 7 4 8 7 8 Solve the following. 6) What number is 5 more than negative 2?

      number sorter

    • [DOCX File]fluencycontent2-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.com


      Put these numbers in order from smallest to largest. You can use the number square to help you. 17 48 66 29 10. Maths. This week we are going to continue to look at numbers! Can you remember how to find 1 more and 1 less and 10 more and ten less? Today you are going to look at numbers on a number line.

      order numbers from least to greatest

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