Organs of the abdomen diagram


      a) The major reproductive organs of the male rat are the testes (singular: testis) which are located in the scrotal sac. Cut through the sac carefully to reveal the testis. On the surface of the testis is a coiled tube called the epididymis which collects and stores sperm cells.

      anatomy of abdomen organs

    • [DOC File]Crayfish Dissection

      Locate these organs just in front of the stomach. The green glands excrete waste through pores at the base of each antenna. What organs in your body carry out the same function as the green glands? _____ 25. Use the diagram once again to locate and identify the organs of the reproductive system. The animal shown in the diagram is a male crayfish.

      human organs location abdomen

    • [DOC File]Honors Anatomy Chapter 1 Portfolio

      ____/6 Respiratory system: Diagram the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lobes of lungs ____/7 *Circulatory System: Diagram and label the major arteries and veins of the thorax and abdomen (arteries=red, veins=blue) ____/7 Lymphatic System: Diagram the 7 major structures- areas of nodes and 4 main organs

      abdominal digestive organs diagram

    • [DOC File]Anatomy of the Fetal Pig - Core 7-1 Science

      Carefully remove the organs of digestion from the abdominal cavity. The organs of the excretory and reproductive systems will now be exposed. As the organs of the urogenital system are described and located, label each of them on the diagram. The kidneys are the pair of dark, bean-shaped organs lying on the dorsal wall, behind the peritoneum.

      abdominal internal organs

    • [DOC File]Model Building - Digestive System Organs

      End of Quiz #1 Material– Includes diagram on front page. VI. Stomach. Function: site of mechanical & chemical breakdown ~ 10 inches long on _____ side of abdomen and can hold _____ L of food when filled _____ sphincter: controls stomach emptying into small intestine

      abdominal diagram

    • [DOC File]Maya Abdominal Massage Self Care Techniques

      The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage ™ are centered around the ancient Mayan techniques, which reposition organs that have dropped and restricted the flow of blood, lymph, nerve & chi energy. As with any other natural healing, Arvigo Techniques seek …

      diagram of stomach and abdomen

    • [DOC File]Rat External Anatomy

      The Abdominal Organs. 1. The coelom is the body cavity within which the viscera (internal organs) are located. The cavity is covered by a membrane called the peritoneum. 2. Locate the liver, which is a dark colored organ suspended just under the diaphragm. The liver has many functions, one of which is to produce bile which aids in digesting fat.

      abdomen diagram anatomy

    • [DOC File]Names ___________________________________ Date _____ Hour

      Rat Dissection Abdomen. While opening the abdomen you must . take great care. An improper cut here will damage the fragile organs found in this cavity. Very carefully cut #1, #2 and #3 as shown in the diagram below. Many structures for a variety of systems are found in this cavity. The following is a list of the parts you need to find and identify:

      abdominal diagram abdomen

    • [DOC File]Grasshopper Lab - Valencia College

      Draw and label the head, thorax, abdomen, legs, and wings, anterior, posterior, dorsal, & ventral . in . Figure 1. Find the tympanum. on the grasshopper. Note the locations. Draw and label in. Figure 2. Look at the abdomen, see if you can find the spiracles. on each segment. Draw and label in. Figure 2. also. Look at the head.

      anatomy of abdomen organs

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