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      Jul 07, 2006 · Addressing technological change: The challenge to social theory, Current Sociology, 50, 3: 347-363 White, Lynne Jr. (1978). Medieval Technology and Social Change, New York: Oxford …

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      oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current english . a s hornby. new delhi : oxford university press. 1987 . 102 984 23 feb 2012. the new collins dictionary and thesaurus . london : collins pub. 1987 . 103 986 02 mar 2012. jawahar lal nehru biogrpahy . sarvepalli gopal. calcutta : oxford : oxford university press. 1964 . 104 987 02 mar 2012

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      Oxford University, Theme: Towards a European Legal Culture, Presentation “The Market State and EU Law” (with Kai Purnhagen), Oxford, UK, December 16, 2011 Theory of Transnational Legal Orders, International Conference on the Theory of International Law, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2011

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    • [DOC File]Content Description


      Scott, J. and Marshall, G. (2005) The Oxford Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Turner, B. (2006) The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Preparing for Seminars

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      A Dictionary of Sociology, 4 ed., 2015 In other words, it is a society in which advanced technologies are used to improve the living and working conditions of people. The process is amplified by the rapid development of Information Technology (IT) and communication tools like smartphones and other highly advanced technologies.

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      Australian: Macquarie Dictionary. UK: Oxford Concise English Dictionary. US: Merriam–Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. change all “ise” to “ize” other UK Enlish to US English (except in proper names and titles, e.g., Centre (not Center) of International Studies, University of Cambridge (UK). Refer to the list of journal spelling ...

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      Contemporary sociology in a global age. Lecturer: Olga E. Kuzina. Class teachers: Olga E. Kuzina, Elena N. Danilova. Course. description. Contemporary sociology in a global age is

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      Cheng, Lucie, & So, Alvin. (1983, August). The reestablishing of sociology in the PRC: Toward the signification of Marxian sociology. Annual Review of Sociology, 9, 471–498. Cheng, M. (1956). Tai chi chuan: A simplified method of calisthenics for health and self defense. Taipei, Nationalist Republic of China: Shih Chung Tai-chi Chuan Center.

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      - Baert, P. (1990) Towards a Temporalised Sociology; Time and Knowledge in sociological Theory, with Special Reference to George Herbert Mead, doctoral dissertation, Oxford. - Baert, P.J.N. (1989), 'The Creation of an Invented Future; An Inquiry into G.H. Mead's Relatively-Open Future with Special Reference to Sociological Theory'.

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