Penis shots

    • [DOCX File]How it Works - Planned Parenthood | Official Site

      Birth Control Shots (Depo-Provera*, 12 week injection, DMPA) Injection once every three months. Prevents release of egg, thickens cervical mucus and prevents implantation of a fertilized egg. ... Following package instructions, place over penis before intercourse to create a barrier; prevents sperm joining egg. 86-98% effective. Some protection ...

    • [DOT File]Well Child Exam Early Adolescence: 11-14 Year

      Your child will need shots at this age. Talk with your child’s doctor and make sure your child has had all of her shots. Your child should have a goal to be physically active at least 60 minutes each day. It doesn’t have to be all at once. Find activities that you and your child …


      78% Pull penis out of vagina before ejaculation (that is, before coming) Costs nothing. Can be used while breastfeeding. Less pleasure for some. Does not work if penis is not pulled out in time. Does not protect against HIV or other STIs. Must interrupt sex Diaphragm. Caya® and Milex® 88% Must be used each time you have sex. Must be used with ...

    • [DOC File]Get your kids HPV vaccine now to prevent cancer later

      HPV can cause cancers of the vulva and vagina in women, and cancer of the penis in men. In the United States each year, there are about 17,600 women and 9,300 men affected by HPV-related cancers. Most of the HPV infections that cause these cancers could be prevented with vaccination.

    • [DOCX File]Facebook Posts for Partners to Use with Providers

      HPV vaccine is a life-saving vaccine that protects against HPV infections that cause most cases of cervical cancer and many cases of other cancers, including cancers of the anus, penis, vulva, vagina, and oropharynx (back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils).

    • [DOCX File]

      These hormones cause the testes to make testosterone and sperm. Sperm are the male sex cells that are necessary for reproduction. Testosterone is the hormone that causes most of the changes in a boy’s body during puberty. These changes include: voice deepening, growing taller, hair growing in new places, and growth of the penis and testes.

    • [DOC File]Medical experts say boys, too, should get HPV vaccinations

      Public-health experts say making HPV shots mandatory is a good way to achieve broad coverage, or "herd immunity." But an even better way to do that would be to make Gardasil an equal-opportunity vaccine. ... genital warts or precancer of the penis or anus.

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