Phrase thesaurus online

    • [DOCX File]Chapter 1: Study Skills - Teacher Tools Online®

      prepositional phrase • Write, identify, and punctuate declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences ... • Find precise words using a thesaurus • Replace imprecise words with precise words and details ... • Analyze notes taken from an online source • Distinguish between paraphrasing and plagiarizing

      synonyms for phrases

    • [DOCX File]

      ESL5 Section 6 Instructional Plans. Patty Emanuel. Lesson Plans. Put the VT to work in your classroom. Shades of Meaning. November 19, 2007. Lesson Question: How can the Visual Th

      alternate sayings for common phrases

    • [DOC File]

      To search for a term in the Thesaurus, type the word or phrase you want to find into the Search box and click . There are three options: Words searches for your term as a dictionary entry (e.g. a search for egg finds this term listed as an entry, or a sense of an entry, in 13 classes). Headings searches subclass headings (e.g. a search for egg ...

      synonyms for words and phrases

    • [DOC File]Training Course Catalog

      For print/PDF, save at 300 dpi or higher, PNG or JPG. For online content, save a version at 72 to 144 dpi. Follow naming convention guidelines, and create a graphics folder for multiple graphics for a project. Hyperlinks Embed hyperlinks in the phrase to which the hyperlink refers.

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    • [DOC File]Linguistics Thesaurus - dsoergel

      Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts Thesaurus (online). Search for “linguistics” with hierarchy and related terms, plus thesaurus descriptors from abstracts and articles reviewed. ... Bare nouns is a kind of noun phrase, it should be a lead-in term for noun phrases. Article 5: ... 2 Linguistics Thesaurus. Maurine Nichols. Lynne ...

      synonym phrases finder

    • [DOC File]

      Online Resources (thesaurus, dictionary, translation) Template (completed model) Word Wall. Word Bank. Transitional Phrase Word Wall. Timeline. Online Resources (thesaurus, dictionary, translation) Timeline. Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO 15.

      another word for sayings

    • [DOC File]

      Read to understand word and phrase meaning and analyze the impact of word choice using literature at grade 9-11 text complexity level. Read to understand word and phrase meaning and analyze the impact of word choice using grade level literature. Learning Supports Online Resources (dictionaries, visuals, figurative language, bilingual)

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    • [DOCX File]

      Stanhope Public Schools. 24 Valley Rd. Stanhope, NJ 07874. 973-347-0008. STANHOPE SCHOOL. LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM. 2012. STANHOPE BOARD OF ...

      find synonyms for phrases

    • [DOC File]Introduction to Dialog and Database Searching:

      Examine your chosen words in the online ERIC thesaurus. If the words are not used in the thesaurus or are inappropriate, choose different words and examine them in the thesaurus. Log on to Dialog and begin in the ERIC database. Expand each of the terms you located in the online thesaurus to see how Dialog lists and organizes them.

      synonyms for phrases

Nearby & related entries: