Plasmid transformation protocol

    • Transformation

      Bacterial Transformation with “glowing” DNA (GFP on a plasmid) Bacterial Transformation begins with generating a recombinant DNA consisting of a plasmid (small circular DNA molecule distinct from the chromosomal DNA) with an inserted piece of DNA, the gene of interest (in this case GFP). ... Protocol: 1. Pipette the 20 l of DNA solution ...

      heat shock transformation

    • [DOC File]KCM Competent Transformation Protocol

      Place a number of Luria-Bertani Agar plates with antibiotic(s) equal to twice the number of cell tubes used in transformation protocol in a 37C incubator to allow them to warm to 37C. Remove the plates from the incubator and with a permanent marker, label the agar containing part of the dish with: the date, the strain and plasmid used, the ...

      heat shock transformation protocol

    • [DOC File]Bacterial Transformation Protocol (rev 3Mar2010, JCH)

      Micrograms of plasmid DNA spread on the plate: Now calculate the efficiency of the transformation. Transformation efficiency = Total number of colonies growing on the agar plate . Amount of DNA spread on the LB/amp plate (in (g) 4. What does this mean? Transformation efficiency calculations result in very large, and very small, numbers.

      dna transformation

    • [DOC File]Name:

      KCM Competent Transformation Protocol. Thaw an aliquot of KCM competent cells on ice. Remove 100 uL from the aliquot and place it in a fresh tube. Add 30 uL 5x KCM solution and 50 uL ddH20 to the cells. Add your DNA (1 uL of prepped plasmid is more than sufficient). Incubate cells on ice for 5 minutes. Heat shock cells at 42 C for 1-2 minutes.

      e.coli transformation protocol

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