Polk county school district website

    • Polk County School District, Georgia

      Polk County College and Career Academy. Cedartown Campus. Introduction to Healthcare Science. Course Number 25.52100. Mrs. Shannon Cofield, HSTE Instructor. School Telephone (770) 749-8850. Email scofield@polk.k12.ga.us. 2017-2018

      polk county school zone

    • [DOCX File]polkschoolsfl.com


      Suncoast Credit Union. 201. 8-201. 9. G. rant Application. Available to Polk County Public and Charter Schools & administered by. T. he Polk Education Foundation. Applications are

      polk school district home



      Oct 02, 2017 · School Superintendant Aaron Greene introduced Stephanie Luedi, a former Polk County student, and the current district Teacher of the Year. Mr. Greene then presented the 2016-2017 State test results. He stated for the second year, the Polk County School System has been ranked as the second top achieving school out of 115 districts in the state.

      polk school district georgia

    • [DOCX File]Polk County Public Schools


      170 Polk County teachers came in over the summer to review any test items that were flagged using these criteria, and determine whether to revise or remove these test items. The district curriculum teams then made the recommended adjustments to the End of Year exams.

      polk county georgia school district



      Persons NOT currently employed by the School Board of Polk County must also. complete a general application . for employment . and Administrative O. pen Position Application Form . if appropriate [On-line at the following website: www.polk-fl.net]. Please . send. Experienced Principal /AP. Non-District Employee Pool. Application . Form and ...

      polk school district cedartown ga

    • [DOCX File]Sleepy Hill Middle School


      Education is a responsibility shared by the school and the family throughout the student’s school career in our district. Polk County Schools will foster and support active parent and family engagement so that schools and parents work together as partners in educating children.

      powerschool polk school district

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