Refinance home options for seniors

    • Draft Washtenaw Affordable Housing Study

      Predatory lenders often target seniors to refinance their homes, something which is not always to the seniors’ financial advantage. This practice may leave the homeowner in a difficult financial position in which losing their home is a real possibility. The Washtenaw County Treasurer has instituted a program to track the number of mortgage foreclosures which have increased to over 30 a week ...

      refinance options home

    • [DOCX File]Transaction Overview - Freddie Mac

      The property does not have any amenities or services typical of a dedicated seniors housing property. Month-to-Month Tenant Concentration . Only include as weakness if greater than 10%. If lower than 10%, include in property overview. __ out of __ total units at the property are leased on a month-to-month basis. These leases began as __ month leases and converted to month-to-month leases after ...

      best home refinance options

    • [DOCX File]

      2013-10-16 · These allow the lender to make more profit if the homeowner needs to refinance.Get help if you are asked to refinance a loan. Lenders may offer to refinance the loan for a large fee when the senior is at risk of default.Understand steering and targeting. Predatory lenders sometimes target seniors who they believe will not be able to repay the loans. Those already facing financial problems with ...

      home loan refinance options


      These programs allow older adults access to the equity in their home for living expenses and can enhance their ability to remain in their homes and make needed repairs. About 11 percent of seniors that own their homes indicated interest in participating in this type of program. Partnerships. Continue public/private partnerships as a means to ...

      best refinance options

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