Sermons from matthew 25

    • Sermons on Matthew 25

      In the parable of the talents in Matthew chapter 25, Jesus told of a master who commended his servant in these words: “Well done, you good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.”

      sermon matt 25 1 13


      Let me give you only one quotation out of the many, from Matthew 25 where the Lord Jesus as the Judge is saying to those on His left hand, Depart from Me, and when it says in the conclusion of that story, and these shall go away into everlasting punishment. The Bible teaches that there is punishment – everlasting punishment upon the wicked ...

      sermons matthew 25 1 12

    • [DOC File]ARE YOU READY - Sermon Outlines. Org

      on Sermon 12 Nov 2017 ‘Be ready’ Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Matthew 25:1-13. Prayer: God, kindle a flame within my heart to keep me alert and watching, ready always to seek and follow the ways of wisdom. Amen. off. What does it mean to 1*choose God and be ready for God’s arrival in our lives?

      homilies on matthew 25 1 13


      Matthew 24:32-44. When you open your Bible to the Gospel of Matthew, you find that Matthew chose to bracket the Lord’s public ministry between two sermons: (1) The Sermon on the Mount…Chapters 5-7 (2) The Olivet Discourse…Chapters 24-25. In the Sermon on the Mount the emphasis was practical; in the Olivet Discourse the emphasis is ...

      sermon on mt 25 1 13

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