Signs symptoms congestive heart failure

    • [DOC File]Congestive heart failure guideline

      Associated Symptoms/ Pertinent Negatives Cardiac chest pain, frothy sputum, blood tinged sputum SAMPLE Check past history of CHF or heart disease; medications for CHF (e.g., …

      symptoms of congestive heart disease

    • [DOCX File]

      A Guide to Congestive Heart Failure . May 6, 2016. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) can be a scary and confusing diagnosis. Congestive heart failure has a number of causes including …

      signs of congestive heart failure

    • [DOC File]Congestive Heart Failure - Josh Corwin

      Congestive heart failure (CHF) is inadequate pump function of the heart. Heart failure is described as ventricular dysfunction, in terms of systolic and diastolic dysfunction and may affect the left …

      congestive heart failure stages

    • [DOCX File]Texas Assisted Living Association

      WARNING SIGNS OF HEART FAILURE. By themselves, any one sign of heart failure may not be cause for alarm. But if you have more than one of these symptoms, even if you haven't been …

      congestive heart failure warning signs

    • [DOC File]CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE - Kaleida Health

      Signs and symptoms of heart failure (CHF)... Shortness of breath - particularly with activity or when lying flat. Swelling of feet or legs. This swelling can extend up to the waist/abdomen.

      signs of early heart failure

    • [DOCX File]Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

      Signs & Symptoms People with heart failure are at risk for hospitalizations because of fluid buildup. If blood is not pumped around your body well, it can back up causing fluid to collect in …

      sign of heart failure

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