Spartan women facts

    • Facts About Sparta’s Women | Guerrilla Ontology

      Spartan women were well educated and brought up in a distinct manner to become proper mothers for the state, manage kleroi (state-owned property) and participate in religious festivals. A woman’s education was similar to that of the Spartan males, yet it was also very distinctive.

      spartan women education

    • [DOC File]Part 1 Multiple Choice -

      They did not wear jewelry or use cosmetics or perfume. Like Spartan men, women were expected to be strong and healthy-and ready to fight. A woman was expected to look after her husband’s property in times of war. She also had to guard it against invaders and revolts of slaves. Spartan women had many rights that other Greek women did not have.

      pictures of spartan women

    • [DOC File]Assess the role played by Spartan women within their society

      All of the following is true of Spartan women EXCEPT that . they marry at an early age. they could vote. they were trained in boxing, wrestling, and gymnastics. They could own personal property, and go out without an escort. When coming down from the acropolis of a city-state, the first thing you would encounter is the open area called the

      spartan girls

    • The Ancient Greek Museum

      The major characteristics were that women could not watch the games, they honored Zeus, and the first day of the festival was devoted to sacrifices. ... What was emphasized in the education of Spartan youths in ancient Greece? ... This is an opinion, but must be backed up with FACTS …

      spartan women ancient greece

    • [DOC File]4 Which geographic feature was common to the development ...

      - Spartan government had several branches - An assembly, which was composed of all Spartan citizens, elected officials and voted on major issues - A Council of Elders, made up of 30 older citizens, proposed laws on which the assembly voted - Five elected officials carried out the laws - These men also controlled education and prosecuted court cases

      female spartans

    • [DOCX File]

      (4) A blend of Latin, Roman and Greek cultures Compared to women in Athens, Spartan women (1) were given less rights than Athenian women (2) were raised to be educated in the arts (3) were trained to be healthy and fit (4) were kept at home The Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables were designed to (1) create a stable society

      famous spartan women

    • [DOC File]World History

      In comparison with Ancient Athens, Spartan women held a variety of rights. For example, women could own property and engage in athletic events like the men in Ancient Sparta. Language and Religion. Same language, religion and gods. According to Duiker & J. Spielvogel, “religion was a civic duty necessary for the well-being of the state ...

      spartan girls education

    • [DOC File]White Plains Middle School

      _____ 9) Women were required to stay strong and healthy for childbirth, and had more personal freedoms than other city-states. 10) Write a journal entry as if you lived in Sparta or Athens. Use the information from the notes above to talk about how your life would be. MUST be at least five sentences.

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