Stuttering strategies for adults

    • What are different techniques to manage stuttering?

      Stuttering therapy: Breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, learning to speak more slowly, and addressing anxiety issues are among the techniques an SLP can use with both children and adults. Medications: There are no FDA-approved medications yet for stuttering, but some medications used for other conditions have been used for stuttering.

    • How does light contact help reduce stuttering?

      In order to reduce tension and avoid stuttering, try a technique called light contact. Here's an example. Let’s say you're trying to produce the /t/ sound. Think about how you form this sound: the tip of the tongue taps behind the front teeth. Now say the /t/ sound three times in a row, with even lighter pressure each time.

    • What are the benefits of easy onsets for stuttering?

      The reason the early onset technique increases fluency is because you are learning how to decrease tension in the vocal folds by gently voicing a word, instead of closing the vocal folds hard to initiate the word. Tension is what creates moments of stutter, and the more we can avoid tension, the smoother speech will be.

    • [PDF File]HANDOUT-ABLE: Summary of Stuttering Modification/Fluency ...

      Stuttering modification strategies — the ultimate goal and benefit is to speak with less tension -- due to new added manner of speech productions, reducing disfluencies, increase awareness of stuttering moments and treat secondary behaviors that result from stuttering. The focus: change the way speakers stutter.

    • [PDF File]Neurogenic Stuttering - Stuttering Foundation of America

      Strategies may include simplifying one’s speech, allowing more time for response, modeling slow, easy speaking patterns, and, in general, reducing communication demands and expectations. It is important to recognize that the recovery process from the underlying neuro- logical injury or disease will often have a significant impact on fluency.

    • [PDF File]TENTH EDITION self-therapy for the stutterer

      This book is written to and for the many adults and teenagers who stutter1,3—and is addressed in the second person to describe what you can and should do to control your stuttering. We state confidently that as a stut-terer, you do not need to surrender helplessly to your speech difficulty because you can change the way you talk.

    • [PDF File]Person-Centered Focus on Function: Adult Stuttering

      stuttering moments in a variety of speaking situations and environments. Short-Term Goals • George will identify physical tension/secondary behavior in 80% of stuttering moments across three sessions. • George will reduce physical tension (e.g., cancellation) in 80% of stuttering moments across three sessions.

    • [PDF File]Stuttering - NIDCD

      NIDCD Fact Sheet | Voice, Speech, and Language Stuttering What is stuttering? Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by repetition of sounds, syllables, or words; prolongation of sounds; and interruptions in speech known as blocks.

    • [PDF File]Clinical Guideline - International Stuttering Association

      Clinical Guideline ‘Stuttering in Children, Adolescents and Adults’ This publication was initiated by: NVST, Dutch Association for Stuttering Therapy Demosthenes, Patient Association for (Parents of) Children, Adolescents and

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