The attributes of jesus

    • 10 Qualities of Jesus Men Should Strive to Have

      The Attributes of God. God’s Holiness “It would be no wonder if an unholy God could love unholy men; but that the God whose name is Holy, the infinitely holy God, could love beings so utterly sinful as we are, that is the wonder of the eternities. There are many deep mysteries in the Bible, but no other so profound as this.” - R. A. Torrey

      12 characteristics of christ

    • [DOC File]JESUS - Up Close and Personal

      Jesus claimed and demonstrated attributes that only God has. Mark 2:5, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Mark 2:7, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Mark 2:5-11, Jesus proved His deity by demonstrating His divine power.

      the characteristic of jesus christ

    • [DOC File]Attributes of God: - Gospel River

      Jesus' prophecy that not one stone would be left on another was fulfilled in A.D. 70, when the Romans completely destroyed the temple and the entire city of Jerusalem. Notes for Verse 3ff. The disciples wanted to know when the temple would be destroyed. Jesus gave them a prophetic picture of that time, including events leading up to it.

      character traits of jesus christ


      In relation to God, glory is the manifestation of His divine attributes and perfections, or visible elements that indicate the possession and presence of these. (Unger) “The honor resulting from a good opinion” (Vine) What God essentially is and does. The character and ways of God as exhibited through Christ to and through believers.

      character traits of jesus list

    • [DOC File]Jesus' Credibility - Is He God?

      Kerygma -The initial and essential proclamation of the gospel (and/or Christian) message.Kenosis - Self-emptying, or the voluntary renunciation of Jesus’ divine attributes (such as omniscience and omnipotence) in favour of servanthood (humility and obedience).Substantial presence - The total and complete One Person of God the Son made Man, fully human and fully divine, objectively present in ...

      divine attributes of jesus christ

    • [DOC File]Thirty Days of Praying the Names and Attributes of God

      Jesus leaves the carpentry business John 1:19-35, Matthew 3:13-17 Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, was baptizing people in the Jordan River. We don’t know if during His youth he met with John or not. But news of his ministry had spread to Nazareth …

      jesus character traits


      The Creator of the universe cares for each one of us as if we are the only child He has. Jesus taught us to pray, “Our Father” (Matthew 6:9). The Spirit of God taught us to cry, “Abba, Father,” as in the intimacy of the family. Romans 8:15-17 God is the Church’s head. God the Son, Jesus, is the head of the Church.

      jesus attributes scripture

    • [DOC File]The Life of Jesus 1 - Bible sermons

      Essentially, the way to recognize a Christ figure in literature, is to find a number of parallels between Jesus Christ and the character. Below are some possible attributes you might find in a character that make him or her “Christ-like.” Ideas surrounding birth: The character is born in a unique manner.

      attributes of god list with scripture

    • 10 Qualities of Jesus Men Should Strive to Have

      The Attributes of God. God’s Righteousness. Psalms 145:17 . The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. The words “righteous, righteousness” and “just, justice” refer to the same Hebrew and Greek words in the Old and New Testaments. These words convey the idea of conforming to a …

      12 characteristics of christ

    • [DOC File]How to identify a Christ Figure in literature

      This scripture teaches that Jesus Christ existed from eternity as the eternal Son of the eternal Father and that He possessed all the attributes of deity that the Father did. We are told that the eternal Son of God took upon Himself the attributes of humanity. We note the …

      the characteristic of jesus christ

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