The equal rights amendment era was quizlet


      The Twenty-fourth Amendment to the constitution abolished: Poll taxes. Discrimination at work. Consumption of alcohol. Feminism is the belief that: Men and women should be equal politically, economically, and socially . Men should have more rights than women. Youth should have more political, economic, and social rights than the elderly

      equal rights amendment today

    • [DOC File]Amendments Study Sheet

      Equal protection is the basis for all modern civil rights laws, disability acts and other actions designed to protect minority rights. 15 Right to Vote (1870) Insures black males the right to vote Despite this amendment, poll taxes and literacy tests would attempt to deny black males voting rights in the southern states for nearly 100 years.

      text of the equal rights amendment

    • [DOCX File]Mr. Slone's U.S. History Class - Home

      Unit 7 Exam – 1920s-1940s. Questions . 1-4. refer. to the excerpt below. “The central task of the New Deal . . . might be either social reform in a restored economy, or political stabilization in a disintegrating society, or, most likely and most urgently, economic recovery itself. . . .

      was equal rights amendment passed

    • [DOC File]Chapter 30-The Conservative Ascendancy, 1974-1987

      Equal Rights Amendment. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. A and C. Which of the following groups opposed the ERA in the 1970s. AFL-CIO. Girl Scouts. Republican Party. Moral Majority. The Equal Rights Amendment. Proposed special rights for women. Failed to provide equality for minorities. Had more support from Republicans than Democrats. Was ...

      first 10 amendments

    • [DOC File]SW 550 Final Exam - Portland State University

      10. If we wanted to determine whether states that did not pass the Equal Rights Amendment were more likely to enact laws distinguishing between men and women than were states that had passed the ERA, the unit of analysis would be. a. the individual states. b. the individual acts of legislation. c. laws distinguishing between men and women. d.

      bill of rights quiz

    • [DOC File]Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Vocabulary – Ch

      Equal protection clause. Jim Crow laws. De jure discrimination. De facto discrimination. Strict scrutiny. Equal Pay Act of 1963 “Separate but equal” National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Civil disobedience. Civil Rights Act of 1964. Voting Rights Act of 1965. 19th Amendment. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) 1972 ...

      the equal rights amendment quizlet

    • [DOC File]VASpr08 EOC VUSH RB

      H End of Jim Crow era. J Conclusion of Reconstruction. 15 21 In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that — A Congress did not have the authority to levy an income tax. B labor strikes which caused hardships for Americans were unconstitutional. C separate but equal facilities for African Americans were legal

      was the equal rights amendment passed

    • [DOC File]US Multiple Choice: Postwar and the Roaring 20s

      The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1919, prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. In terms of the evolution of the Constitution, the ratification of the 18th Amendment represented. A decrease in the powers of Congress. An extension of federal power into activities formerly regulated by states

      the 10 amendments in short


      * ERA (the Equal Rights Amendment) was proposed in 1923, then sent out by Congress as a constitutional amendment in 1972: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on the basis of sex.”; the amendment

      equal rights amendment today

    • [DOCX File]Chapter 12: Reconstruction and Its Effects

      -Radicals introduced the *15th Amendment- ratified in 1870, prohibits the denial of voting rights to people because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This amendment would also affect northern states, many of which at this time barred African-Americans voting.

      text of the equal rights amendment

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