The relief theory of humor

    • Rhetoric in Comedy: How Comedians Use Persuasion and How ...

      RELIEF THEORY The relief theory of humor describes laughter as a release of excess energy (Smuts, 2009). The relief theory, according to Sigmund Freud, is based . 138 The Corinthian: The Journal of Student Research at Georgia College. Rhetoric in Comedy. Rhetoric in Comedy.


      called “Theory L” that can be qualified as a late variant of release theories. Latta’s stance to Koestler is remarkably twofold. On the one hand, Latta (1999: vii) di-rectly admits that his own theory “has its origins in Arthur Koestler’s theory of humor”. Yet, on the other hand, all the pathos of his book is directed against

    • A Critique of Recent Theories of Laughter and Humor, with ...

      humor. Morreall is a strong advocate of the so-called incongruity theory of hu-mor, a theory that, in a slightly though significantly different form, I ascribe to as well. Where we disagree is about the role that "resolution" plays in conferring humor upon an incongruity, seen, heard, or imagined. I follow other humor theo-

    • [PDF File]Conversational Implicature Analysis of Humor in American ...

      The relief theory has a clear physiological or psycho-physiological nature (Rutter,1997). The theory reached its zenith when Freud proposed his theory that laughter can release tension and “psychic energy”. A more conventional version of the relief theory is that we experience a pleasant sensation when humor replaces negative feelings like ...

    • [PDF File]Inside Jokes: Identifying Humorous Cartoon Captions

      humor in human cognition to its role in socialization. To date, most investigations of humor have been undertaken within psychology, philosophy, and linguistics; in compari-son, computational research on humor is still in its infancy. Creative pieces, such as jokes, are traditionally consid-ered to be outside the reach of computer science. Humor is


      The Theory of Social Control • Some theorists suggest that in close-knit communities, humor is a social corrective, linked with embarrassment. They argue that ridicule is not a “detachable negative,” but instead lies at the heart of humor. • This goes back to the beliefs of Henri Bergson, who called humor a “social corrective ...

    • Humorous Developments: Ridicule, Recognition, and the ...

      Relief Theory: The Release from Repression through Humor 26 The Misattribution Theory of Tendentious Humor 30 Incongruity: Humor through Cognitive Realization of Absurdity 31 Humor's Role as Play toward Individual and Social Development 38 The Evolution of Humor and the Agents Who Speak It 40 II. Language, Agency and Recognition 46

    • [PDF File]Humour Research: State of the Art1 - Universiteit Twente

      • Superiority Theory • Relief Theory • Incongruity Theory This chapter will briefly discuss these three theories, together with additional theories from the fields of psychology and sociology. A theory proposed by Veatch attempts to explain humour and laughter in a broader sense and will be discussed in section 1.6. 1.2 Superiority Theory


      2. Superiority Theory – according to Thomas Hobbes, humour arises from a “sudden glory” felt when we recognise our supremacy over others. Plato and Aristotle are generally considered superiority theorists, who emphasise the aggressive feelings that fuel humour. 3. Relief Theory. is typically associated with Sigmund Freud and Herbert

    • [PDF File]We Are Humor Beings: Understanding and Predicting Visual Humor

      mor. Superiority theory suggests that the misfortunes of others which reflects our own superiority is a source of hu-mor [34]. According to the relief theory, humor is the re-lease of pent-up tension or mental energy. Feelings of hos-tility, aggression, or sexuality that are expressed bypassing any societal norms are said to be enjoyed [16].

    • [PDF File]A Study on Humor Styles of Teacher Candidates

      theories about humor; superiority theory, relief theory and incongruity theory. According to the superiority theory, humor is explained by behaviors related to superiority and humiliation. Philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle and Hobbes explained humor with a sense of superiority. Humor is a situation

    • Putting the Ha! In Aha!: Humor as a Tool for Effective ...

      Throughout the centuries, theories of humor have abounded. Superiority theory supported by Aristotle, Plato, and Hobbes, proposes that we derive pleasure by deriding others (Berger, 1987). Relief theory, put forth by Freud (1905), proposes that humor is an attempt to mask id-like impulses of sexual hostility and aggression.

    • The Use of Humour in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

      the data, I drew on superiority, incongruity and relief theories of humour; instructional humour processing theory (IHPT); and emotional intelligence (EI). The teachers used eight types of humour, either intentionally or spontaneously, while teaching. These included self-deprecating humour, disparaging humour, teacher-student

    • Humor and Emotion

      (It is especially prevalent where laughter at humor is not distinguished from other kinds of laughter, as in the superiority theory and the relief theory.) And it must be admitted that there are a number of similarities between amusement and standard cases of emotions; the most basic, perhaps, is that both amusement and standard emotions involve

    • [PDF File]Humor and Bullying - University of Kansas

      Relief theory is the idea that we use humor as a way to vent stress and become calm. (Morreall p. 16) For the bully, his or her actions can be a way to relieve the stress from home life or feeling alone. As long as others laugh at the bullying behavior, the aggressor will feel a temporary relief from the stress that they feel.

    • [PDF File]Perspectives of Students in Thailand on the Use of Humor ...

      But unlike other emotions, humor and laughter do not involve motivation to do anything huge or harsh such as attacking or fleeing (as with the emotions of anger, rage or fear). The relief theory contends that the movements of laughter merely release the nervous energy, which eases the person from a tense situation. In the classroom setting,

    • The Political Application of Humor

      Relief theory relates less to what makes something funny and more to the purpose of laughter and the physiological effects of humor. Relief theories describe humor and laughter as being necessary to unleash excess energy and tension (Smuts, 2009). In Freud’s version of relief theory, he broke down various


      types of humor theories,” highlights only a few others. One is the relief theory, popularized by Freud, which describes humor as a way of relieving tension. Two others are a superiority theory advocated by the seventeenth-century philosopher Thomas Hobbes and others, and an inferiori theory offered more recently by the philosopher Robert Solomon.

    • Making Sense and Making Fun: Humor in the Context of ...

      arousal. One of the first examples of a relief theory was proposed by Herbert Spencer (1860), who proposed that laughter served to release pent up nervous energy that is no longer needed (Martin, 2007, p.33). The most widely recognized example of a relief theory of humor is perhaps Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective (Freud, 1905/1960).

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