The social dilemma discussion questions

    • [DOCX File]The Ethical Dilemma of Advance Directives

      We need to go into the community and educate on advance directives. We need to have a team that can explain what advance directives are and can answer any questions a person may have upon admission. The team should be comprised of a chaplain, nurse, social worker and physician.

    • [DOC File]Completing the Biopsychosocial Assessment

      Social Support System: Check all boxes that apply to your client’s social network. Sexual History: Check appropriate boxes that describe your client’s sexual orientation and activity. If the client is too young to identify their sexual preference, indicate non-contributory. Military History: Check appropriate box.

    • [DOC File]

      Teaching Notes - Discussion Questions. 1. If you were going on your first overseas business assignment, what would you do to ensure that you were prepared to deal with ethical dilemmas you would face? Possible Responses. Study the culture - Social, political and economic - Similarities and differences in relation to the U.S.

    • [DOC File]Persepolis Chapter Questions

      Identity and Social Justice Unit. Ms. Kamrass. English 9. Essential Questions: Why is childhood an important time of life? When does it end? How do people cope when their lives are changed by forces they cannot control? Persepolis is a graphic novel. Why do you think Satrapi chose this genre to tell her story? I. Literary terms: mood

    • [DOC File]Questions to guide choreographing dilemma discussions

      Questions to guide choreographing dilemma discussions. Discussion of personal meanings: How did the dilemma make you feel? Can you think of a time early in your life when you felt the same way? What beliefs/values about children may influence your view of the dilemma? How might others in your family view the dilemma?

    • [DOC File]“Galileo’s Battle for the Heavens” Study Guide

      Answer all of the following questions in the spaces provided. This study guide will be graded on the basis of completeness. 1. What does the discussion of Galileo at the beginning of the film tell us about why he is a good focus for our study of the Scientific Revolution? 2.

    • [DOC File]The Welfare State as a Social Dilemma

      From a social dilemma perspective, it should be clear that most people do not act out of one single rational utility maximizing utility function because, in that case, most social dilemmas would end up in pathological social traps (Platt 1973; Young 1998, p 18). ... (Katz 1989, p. 236). The public discussion of social policy in a selective ...

    • [DOC File]Discussion Questions—The Cold War: A New History by John ...

      Discussion Questions—The Cold War: A New History by John Lewis Gaddis. A. Who is John Lewis Gaddis and what are his qualifications for writing this book? B. When was the book first published, and how was it received by reviewers? Preface. 1. Why did Lewis write the book, and who was his intended audience? 2.

    • [DOCX File]

      The Social Dilemma. is a video documentary that argues that social media companies are causing significant damage to society. The video is mostly presented by . insiders. in the tech industry (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) who confess to the harmful nature of the technology they helped design. ... Discussion Questions. Discuss this ...

    • [DOC File]Name ________________________________________Period

      Class Discussion Questions: Analyze Lydia’s dilemma before she went to Pruitt. What were her options? What were the considerations on each side? Why should Roy get fired? As he says, he was following a supervisor’s orders. Assignment: Write an essay on some wrongful act, which you have felt tempted to commit. What was appealing about it?

    • [DOC File]Trust, social dilemmas and the strategic construction of ...

      Social scientist who reduce the study of trust to questions about rational choice, and who argue that it has nothing to do with moral discourse, miss that point" (Wuthnow 1998). The result from experimental research also seem to show that the calculative notion of trust does not conform to empirical findings (Rapoport 1987; Tyler and Degoey 1996).

    • [DOC File]Section Title (17 pt) - Ole Miss

      The chapter discussion of moral development, values, and religion presents another opportunity to study clearly measurable developmental changes during adolescence. ... The DIT includes six stories of social dilemma about which participants must form solutions. Solutions are ranked and given a P score, based on a scale from 0 to 95, that ...

    • [DOCX File]Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development - Sites

      Stage 4 Maintaining the Social Order: The person becomes more concerned with society as a whole rather than individuals. ... The definition of dilemma is a difficult choice to be made between two equally undesirable alternatives. ... DISCUSSION QUESTIONS(also, debate topics, writing assignments, etc. How might David make sense of this situation?

    • University of Denver

      University of Denver – Graduate School of Social Work. ... An ethical dilemma from your agency . and / or . ... Create an assessment instrument (survey, focus group questions, interview questions) to better understand community/client needs regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • [DOC File]

      Discussion Questions. Case: Merck and River Blindness. Short Case. Teaching Notes - Discussion Questions. 1. Do you think corporate social responsibility (CSR) is important? Why or why not? Depending upon the audience, many students will see the importance of social responsibility.

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