Undocumented immigrants driver s license

    • [DOC File]CT.GOV-Connecticut's Official State Website


      May 30, 2014 · Undocumented immigrants in Pennsylvania would be able to get driver's licenses under legislation proposed in Harrisburg. Supporters say such immigrants are already working here and paying taxes, but not having a license makes them lawbreakers just so they can do things like get to work and take their children to school.

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    • [DOC File]CHAPTER SEVEN: Don’t Say It’s the Right Thing to Do ...


      Arguments in favor of requiring driver’s license applicants to prove lawful immigration status have popular surface appeal. Proponents of such “restrictive licensing” contend that undocumented immigrants have violated the law and should not be rewarded with a license. Moreover, the license, it is claimed, provides a cloak of undeserved ...

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    • California AB-60 Driver's License | DMV.ORG

      Legal immigrants are often denied driver’s licenses because the DMV clerks are unfamiliar with the immigration and visa documents that legal immigrants provide when applying for their license, and therefore the legal immigrants are incorrectly issued driving certificates, not licenses (“The ‘Tennessee Driving Certificate’”).

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    • [DOC File]New York DL


      Every state that has passed laws allowing all residents, including the undocumented, to apply for a driver’s license has suffered setbacks. New York State Governor Elliot Spitzer recently approved by decree driver’s licenses for all immigrants, as long as …

      undocumented immigrants driver's license nj

    • Driver’s Licenses and Illegal Immigration: Issues of ...

      Dec 15, 2014 · Better that undocumented immigrants have driver's licenses. Hartford Courant. Better That Undocumented Immigrants Have Driver's Licenses. By Editorial. December 8, 2014, 6:44 PM. Granting drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants rewards people for bad behavior — living in the country illegally — opponents of the policy complain..

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    • [DOC File]1


      Community Support: Undocumented immigrants are more likely to report crimes and assist law enforcement if they do not fear being turned over to immigration officials just for applying for a driver’s license. ADA Restoration Act. Date: October 8, 2007

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    • [DOC File]Connecticut


      Translating Undocumented (Im)migrants’ Human Rights Claims . into Legislative Policy . I met Assemblymember Cedillo, the author of a bill to restore driver’s license access to Californians regardless of their federal immigration status, at a seminar on California policymaking at the Goldman School of Public Policy at U.C. Berkeley in early 2000.

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    • [DOC File]June 19, 2007 - Iowa


      According to Herb Klein, a driver’s license is an important form of ID that currently is not secure; therefore he argues that driver’s licenses should not be granted to undocumented immigrants because it would endanger national security. Furthermore, he worries that it would legitimize illegal immigration.

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