Us gdp outlook 2020

    • [DOC File]Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2019

      The economic and fiscal outlook for the Commonwealth has not materially changed since the publication of the 2019-20 Budget on 2 April 2019. An underlying cash surplus of $7.1 billion (0.4 per cent of GDP) is expected in 2019-20, with further surpluses expected across the forward estimates.

    • [DOCX File]Togo Sources of Growth - World Bank

      By 2016, public debt had returned to the 2006 level of 82 percent of GDP - just prior to the approval of HIPC debt reduction. With the recent renewed commitment to sound macroeconomic management, this ratio is expected to fall to 68 percent in 2020, bringing it below the WAEMU criterion of 70 percent.

    • [DOCX File]Overview of the global economy - Marxist Left Review

      In Britain growth last year fell to 1 percent, and even that may be optimistic if Brexit hits hard in coming months. Japan is crawling along at 1 percent. The US is the relative outlier among the G7, but even here growth is down from 2.9 percent in 2018 to 2.3 percent in 2019: in 2020, the OECD is predicting US growth of just 2.0 percent.

    • [DOCX File]Quarterly Economic Update - TagniFi

      stood at 103.66, down 5.4% over the first quarter of 2020. Manufacturing shutdowns in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic propelled the decline, particularly motor vehicle and parts manufacturing. Utilities and mining production also decreased. The Industrial Production Index was 5.5% lower in March 2020 than one year prior.

    • [DOCX File]Harvard University

      GDP. grew 2.3 % in 2019. To be sure, this was the slowest of Trump's presidency, down from 2.9% in . 2018 (the year . the tax cut kicked in) and far below Trump forecasts. Manufacturing, in particular, has been contracting. And w. orld growth . was weak: 2.9% in 2019 (IMF WEO Jan.2020) < IMF forecast [had been 3.7% as of Oct 2018; 3.5% as of Jan. 2019]. B. ut

    • [DOCX File]Quarterly Economic Update

      peaked at 14.7% in April 2020 before easing to 11.1% in June 2020. Those reporting temporary layoffs fell by 4.8 million in June, yet those experiencing permanent job losses rose 0.6 million. The June unemployment rate was up 7.4% from the same period a year ago and well above the 30-year average unemployment rate of 5.9%.

    • [DOCX File]U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau

      The 2015 USDA Baseline assumes U.S. GDP grows 2.6 percent annually from 2016-2024 (USDA 2015). Projections for the agricultural sector from 2024 to 2060 assume the same annual rate of GDP growth. The 2015 Annual Energy Outlook Reference Case assumes an annual growth rate of 2.4 percent for 2012-2040.

    • [DOCX File]WA Economic Profile and COVID-19 Supplement - January 2021

      The $A exchange rate rose 4% to a monthly average of 77 US cents in December 2020. The $A exchange rate fell 0.3% to an annual average of 69 US cents in the 2020 calendar year. The 2020-21 WA Government Mid-Year Financial Projections Statement forecasts the $A exchange rate to average 73 US cents in the 202021 financial year.

    • [DOCX File]WA Economic Profile and COVID-19 Supplement - December 2020

      The $A exchange rate rose 5% to a monthly average of 74 US cents in November 2020. The $A exchange rate fell 6% to an annual average of 67 US cents in 2019-20. The 2020-21 WA Government Mid-Year Financial Projections Statement forecasts the $A exchange rate to average 73 US cents in 202021.

    • [DOC File]Yobe State Government

      Stability in both real GDP and Inflation from 2018 Q2 Foreign Exchange Rate – after the devaluation of the NGN:USD rate from 197 to 305 in mid-2016, foreign exchange reserves have increased considerably, almost doubling from a low of US $24 billion in October 2016 to a high of US $47.8 billion in June 2018 (thanks to improving crude oil prices and the FGN dollar denominated Eurobond issuances in 2017 and 2018).


      This report highlights aspects such as the global market outlook for 2019-2020 and some recommendation that has been used by investors in the previous crisis.

    • [DOCX File]Part 2: Economic outlook | 2020-21 Budget

      The initial economic recovery has been stronger than was expected in the 202021 Budget. Following a fall in real GDP of 2½ per cent in 2020, the economy is expected to grow by 4½ per cent in 2021. In financialyear terms, real GDP is now expected to grow by ¾ per cent in 202021 before further recovering in 202122 to grow by 3½ per cent.

    • [DOCX File]Economic and Fiscal Update July 2020

      In yearaverage terms, real GDP is forecast to fall by 3¾ per cent in 2020 before rising by 2½ per cent in 2021 (Chart 2.1). The jobs market will take time to recover. Following significant job losses, the unemployment rate is forecast to peak at around 9¼ per cent in the December quarter 2020 (Chart 2.2).

    • [DOCX File]PC Productivity Insights 2020

      a The effect of the terms of trade is approximated as the difference between growth in gross domestic product per capita and gross domestic income per capita. b The effect of labour utilisation is approximated by the difference between the growth in GDP per capita and labour productivity. c The effect of net foreign income flows is approximated by the difference between the growth rate of gross national income per capita and gross domestic income per capita.

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