Use distribute in a sentence

    • [DOCX File]Materials

      Explain that authors may choose to use figurative language in a variety of texts including poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Explain the lesson today will be a realistic fiction story called, “A Kid In A Candy Store.” Before reading the text, distribute the Identifying Figurative Language Sort to each student.

      when to use an in a sentence

    • [DOC File]

      Grading Criteria: The teacher should distribute the grading rubric (Rubric: What’s in a Sentence?) and briefly explain how all activities will be evaluated for a grade. 2. Objectives: The teacher will introduce the lesson objectives and explain how the use of complete sentences promotes clarity in writing.

      use or used in a sentence

    • [DOC File]Example of Agreement Between an NSP Grantee and Developer

      Identify (highlight) the faulty parallelism and then re-write the sentence in a corrected form. a. The system has capabilities such as communicating with other computers, processing records, and mathematical functions. b. The personnel officer told me that I would answer the phone, welcome visitors, distribute mail, and some typing. c.

      use sentence in a sentence

    • distribute in a sentence - how to use "distribute" in a sentence - ich…

      This should be determined without the use of fever-reducing medicines (any medicine that contains ibuprofen or acetaminophen). Also remember to cover your coughs and sneezes and wash your hands often with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand cleaner if soap and water are not available. ... Message to Employees: Distribute by e-mail, letter ...

      use words in a sentence

    • [DOC File]Message to Employees: Distribute by e-mail, letter, flyer etc

      Distribute (to distribute), as used in the offenses charged, means (deliver or transfer) (to deliver or to transfer) possession or control of a controlled substance from one person to another. Distribute (to distribute) includes the sale of a controlled substance by one …

      how to distribute

    • [DOC File]Third Circuit | United States Court of Appeals

      The teacher may highlight the topic sentence in the text. Explain the purpose of a topic sentence. Authors may decide where to put the topic sentence. In the article, “They Need Fire,” the teacher may show the students the last sentence in paragraph one. This is the topic sentence for the article. It gives us clues for the main idea.

      use sentence example

    • [DOC File]TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan

      Any criminal activity in violation of the preceding sentence shall be cause for termination of tenancy, and for eviction from the unit. (For the purposes of this lease, the term drug-related criminal activity means the illegal possession, manufacture, sale, distribution, use or possession with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, or use, of ...

      use a sentence with its


      Distribute “Inside Out” Text-Dependent Questions. Tell students that they will use a Think-Pair-Share protocol to answer these questions. Explain the process if it is unfamiliar to the class. This is a very simple protocol students will use often in which you will pose a …

      use you in a sentence

    • [DOCX File]Materials

      In the event the undersigned makes a presentation based upon the Work at a conference hosted or sponsored in whole or in part by the IEEE, the undersigned, in consideration for his/her participation in the conference, hereby grants the IEEE the unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable permission to use, distribute, publish, license, exhibit, record ...

      when to use an in a sentence

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