Vaginal reconstruction near me

    • What is an anterior vaginal wall repair?

      An anterior vaginal wall repair is used to treat prolapse of the vaginal wall under the bladder, also called a cystocele or dropped bladder. A posterior repair treats prolapse of the vaginal wall over the rectum, also called a rectocele. Your doctor will decide if you need one or both vaginal walls repaired.

    • What is vaginal surgery?

      It is surgery that restores normal support of the vaginal walls. During this surgery, the surgeon makes an incision (cut) in the top or bottom vaginal wall and then stitches together the stronger tissues that are underneath the soft skin that lines the inside of the vagina. The skin is then also repaired and stitched together.

    • What is a posterior rectum repair?

      A posterior repair treats prolapse of the vaginal wall over the rectum, also called a rectocele. Your doctor will decide if you need one or both vaginal walls repaired. Sometimes this decision is best made during surgery. How do I prepare for surgery? You will return for a visit at one of our Preoperative Clinics 2- 3 weeks before your surgery.

    • What is a posterior vaginal prolapse?

      Posterior means towards the back, so a posterior vaginal all prolapse is a prolapse of the back wall of the vagina. large rectocele may make it very hard to have a bowel movement, especially if you have constipation. Posterior vaginal wall prolapse is called a rectocele, which describes the structure bulging into the vagina - the rectum.

    • [PDF File]Anterior and Posterior Vaginal Wall Repair - Wicha Lab

      An anterior vaginal wall repair is used to treat prolapse of the vaginal wall under the bladder, also called a cystocele or dropped bladder. A posterior repair treats prolapse of the vaginal wall over the rectum, also called a rectocele. Your doctor will decide if you need one or both vaginal walls repaired.

    • Pelvic Reconstruction With Pedicled Thigh Flaps: Indications ...

      used for vaginal reconstruction because it is less bulky than other myocutaneous flaps. This lack of bulk makes gracilis myocutane-ous flaps a good choice for the repair of su-perficial defects, and it leads to low donor-site morbidity [6]. However, a disadvantage of the gracilis myocutaneous flap is the high

    • [PDF File]Posterior vaginal wall prolapse repair and repair of perineum

      The back vaginal wall is infiltrated with local anaesthetic. A horizontal cut is made where the back wall of the vagina meets the skin just outside the vagina. A vertical cut is then made in the back wall of the vagina, over the area of the bulge – see figures 1 and 2. The vaginal skin is then separated

    • [PDF File]Recovery Guide After Vaginal Repair Surgery/ Vaginal Hysterectomy

      Bleeding and Vaginal Discharge After Surgery It is normal to have some vaginal bleeding after surgery. At first the blood might be bright red. Later this usually changes to a darker reddish brown. The amount of bleeding can vary from day to day. You may also notice a little more bleeding after you walk. This is also normal.

    • [PDF File]Vaginectomy with trachelectomy followed by ileal neovagina ...

      Vaginal reconstruction following resection of primary locally advanced and recurrent colorectal malignancies. Arch Surg 2003;138:1340–3. 3 Bouman M-B, van Zeijl MCT, Buncamper ME, et al. Intestinal vaginoplasty revisited: a review of surgical techniques, complications, and sexual function. J Sex Med 2014;11:1835–47.

    • [PDF File]Vaginal Surgery - Wicha Lab

      Vaginal Surgery - 4 - If you stay in the hospital, you will receive a small plastic device to help you breathe deeply and expand your lungs. If you have vaginal reconstruction, or removal (lysis) of adhesions, a latex-covered foam obturator, or another sort of dilator, may be placed in the vagina to keep it open.

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