Verses about jesus coming back

    • [PDF File]Jesus - His Humanity

      Because Jesus was tempted as you and I are tempted, therefore we can know that He was a real human being. Two words from 1 Corinthians 15:3 give us one more proof. Those words are, "Christ died." The fact that He died shows His humanity. In all these ways we can know without any doubt that Christ Jesus our Savior was man as well as God.

    • [PDF File]The Return of the King (Jesus is Coming Again) Revelation 19:11-21 ...

      The First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ His First Coming His Second Coming He rode a donkey He will ride a white horse He came as the Suffering Servant He will come as King and Lord He came in humility and meekness He will come in majesty and power He came to suffer the wrath of God for sinners He will come to establish the Kingdom

    • [PDF File]Understanding the Coming of Satan short for verses - BiblePlus

      Work while it is day, for the night is coming. Jesus said: 1. John 9:4 (NKJV) I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. Why did Jesus make this statement? Work “while it is day.” For night is coming when no man may work. What is Jesus’ work, the work the Father gave Him to do?

    • [PDF File]The Second Coming of Jesus: Sooner Than You Think - Kingdom Sermons

      Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matthew 24:37). Look carefully and prayerfully at Jesus' words in Matthew 24 and His reference to Genesis 6, and I believe you'll get a striking 12 The Precise Conditions Jesus Pointed to That Precede His Second Coming picture of the events that are leading up to His second coming.

    • [PDF File]Jesus’ Second Coming

      Jesus’ Second Coming. Jesus’ Second Coming. December 31, 2022. Sunday. RESPONDING. »Read Matthew 24:23-27; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 1:7. »A friend of yours is all excited about the Left Behind books he’s been reading. He really believes there’s going to be a secret rapture and all the good people will be taken to heaven secretly, leaving the wicked here on earth.

    • [PDF File]7 SIGNS OF THE END

      I hear this all the time. The idea is since people in the past thought Jesus was coming, and He didn't, you’re a nut if you think He’ll return in our day and time. Or, to put it another way, because Jesus hasn’t come back yet, He’ll never come back. This is a way for people to dismiss the idea Jesus is ever coming back.

    • [PDF File]What Jesus said about coming again

      Jesus spoke about coming again on a number of occasions. What he said presents problems for Christians today because he gives the impression that he would come again in the 1st century. For example, in Matthew 24:34 he said, ‘this generation will by no means pass away until all these things [including his coming] happen.’1 Some commentators conclude from this

    • [PDF File]The Second Coming of Christ - Bible Charts

      A. The Holy Bible centers around Jesus Christ and can be summed up in three short sentences. 1. He is coming. (Genesis to Malachi) 2. He is here. (Matthew to Acts 1) 3. He is coming again. (Acts 1:11 to Revelation 2 2:20) B. The second coming of Christ ought to be a subject of absorbing interest to each one of us. C.

    • [PDF File]What the Bible says about – Christ’s Second Coming

      2 Thessalonians 1:7-9— “The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 2:8, about those whom He will “destroy with the brightness of His coming”). 4 - HOW MAY WE BE READY? 1. We can come to Him.

    • [PDF File]“Preparation J” (Luke 12:35-48) - Razor Planet

      Jesus, “the Son of Man,” 18 wants us to be ready because He is coming at a time we will not be expecting Him. Scoffers may say, “It’s been almost 2,000 years since Jesus spoke these words. Every generation since then has thought that it was the final generation before His coming, but they all died without seeing it happen.

    • [PDF File]Jesus Is Coming Back Very Soon - Lamb & Lion

      Jesus Is Coming Back Very Soon Now is the season! by Nathan E. Jones . Jesus Christ is coming back to this Earth very soon. Now, Jesus Himself made it crystal clear that we cannot know the date of His return. He stated in Matthew 24:36, "of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."

    • [PDF File]2 Peter 3:1-9 - Jesus is Coming Back Part 1 - Calvary Vista

      B)The Last days begins with the Birth of Jesus – 1)See from the fall in the Garden of Eden – everything was moving towards the coming of Messiah C)The one who would fix the curse brought on by the sin of Man The Last days start with the coming of Messiah – and encompass that time frame between his first and 2nd coming.

    • [PDF File]Old Testament Verses About Jesus Coming

      Jews must convert back to Israel and resume their ancient sacrifices. And early My arm bone will wait expectantly. And consider old testament verses about jesus coming of. Hold on button what you have, I am sure soon! When Israel avoided destruction under the Assyrians and Egyptians, the heavens were opened, about which we suggest speaking.

    • [PDF File]13 - Seventh-day Adventist Church

      90 THE SECOND COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS Lesson 13 MONDAY—JUNE 25 DANIEL AND JESUS’ SECOND COMING (Daniel 2:34, 35, 44, 45) Many Jews during Jesus’ time on earth waited for the . Messiah. The Messiah was the Savior that God prom-ised to send to save His people from their sins. But many Jews wanted the Messiah to save them from the Romans instead.

    • [PDF File]Is Jesus Coming Back?Y-Jesus

      Is Jesus Coming Back? Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus took his disciples to the Mount of Olives, where he was lifted up into the clouds out of their sight. While they were gazing up in bewilderment, two men in white apparel (angels) told them, Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into

    • [PDF File]What If Jesus Comes Tomorrow? - FBC New Haven

      2. If they found out Jesus was returning in the morning 3. They would cry My goodness…my goal in life was to win a senate seat… I’ve gone through all this for Nothing! d. Than I Think Many people who would watch the news and hear that Jesus was coming tomorrow Monday morning Jan 20 th, 2014 1. They would be filled with FEAR 2.


      answer, Jesus made it clear that everyone must be ready for his return, but those who are in leadership positions will be held accountable. In verses 42-46, Jesus contrasts two servants who were entrusted with the task of feeding God’s servants. The first one is a faithful and wise manager. A faithful man is a trustworthy man.


      There are many things which seem to indicate that Christ is coming for a defeated Church, and there are others who are taking a wrong path to a false victory, but the Lord has a faith way for His people to go which is in line with the promises and prophecies of Scripture, namely, that Christ is coming for a victorious Church.

    • [PDF File]Is Jesus Coming Back?Y-Jesus

      Is Jesus Coming Back? Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus took his disciples to the Mount of Olives, where he was lifted up into the clouds out of their sight. While they were gazing up in bewilderment, two men in white apparel (angels) told them, Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into

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