Web of science impact factors

    • [DOC File]Author template for journal articles


      Belew, R. K. (2005). Scientific impact quantity and quality: Analysis of two sources of bibliographic data. Arxiv preprint cs/0504036. Brody, T., Harnad, S., & Carr, L. (2006). Earlier web usage statistics as predictors of later citation impact. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(8), 1060–1072.

      journal of citation report

    • [DOC File]Journal Impact Factors in Sport and Exercise Science, 1999 ...


      I present here an analysis of impact factors of journals in exercise and sport science for the years 1999 and 2000. The uncertainty in the impact factor for journals like Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (MSSE, current impact factor of 2.6) is probably less than ±0.2 (95% likely limits). Journals with an impact factor in the range 1.0 to 4.9 in 1999 showed little overall increase ...

      sci impact factor search

    • [DOC File]Relationship between ISI and Web/URL Citation to Open ...


      The factors that were considered when selecting the science and social science disciplines included the number of refereed or editor-reviewed OA journals in each discipline, and the accessibility of journal web sites for data gathering. We selected biology, chemistry, physics and computer science to represent a range of (hard) sciences and economics, education, sociology and psychology to ...

      web of science journal citation report

    • [DOC File]Impact of open access


      Pringle (2004)6 undertook a study of 8700 journals which had been currently covered in Web of Science. There were only 191(approximately 2%) OA journals in the total population. Citation impact for OA journals and non-OA journals was similar. It is encouraging factor that OA journals and print journals indexed by ISI have equal citation impact although the OA journals have a recent start ...

      journal impact factors 2016

    • [DOC File]Impact Factors of Journals in Sport and Exercise Science ...


      Access to impact factors and other citation statistics for these and other journals requires an institutional subscription to Web of Science. Last year's update provides more information about the impact factor, its limitations, and related statistics. Table 1 shows the values of the impact factors, and the abstract above is a summary focusing on changes since last year.

      sci journal list

    • [DOCX File]Evidence Paper - Practice Principle 4: Equity and diversity


      There are many complex, interconnected factors that impact on Aboriginal children’s engagement in early childhood settings. The history of discrimination, the impact of the stolen generations, and systemic devaluing of Aboriginal culture, language and traditions in Australia impact on the way that families view early childhood settings today (Kitson, and Bowes, 2010). With this in mind it is ...

      scientific citation index



      At least 30 of these papers should be in the Web of Science. A minimum of 12 of these 30 papers should be published in journals with above-average impact factors, and within these 12 papers, at least 3 should be published in leading journals (in the top quarter according to the impact factor). A candidate should be the principal author or one ...

      impact factor of journals 2017

    • [DOC File]Relationship between ISI and Web/URL Citation to Open ...


      ISI Impact Factors. We conducted a further analysis in order to compare ISI Impact factors with PowerPoint citation ranks for the top 20 journals. As shown in Table 4, 13 journals (65%) have high impact in the sense of being ranked 1-10 in the Journal Citation Reports (2006) for the relevant subject category. Moreover, 7 journals (35%) are ranked 1 or 2. This suggests that relatively high ISI ...

      list of journal impact factors

    • [DOC File]Course Overview .ca


      B2. identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe the contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields. Various small tasks throughout the course of the year Cellular Biology 3 months B1. evaluate the impact of environmental factors and medical technologies on certain cellular processes that occur in the human body;

      journal of citation report

    • [DOCX File]Introduction - York University


      ArXiv is dominated by authors from physics, mathematics and computer science, and 64% of all arXiv articles are in Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS) (Larivière et al., 2014). About 75% of publishing condensed matter physicists deposit in arXiv (Moed, 2007), as do 81% of mathematicians (Fowler, 2011). Physicists deposit to arXiv voluntarily and routinely search arXiv for new articles (Spezi ...

      sci impact factor search

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