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    • [DOC File]Instrumental Music Program Guidelines


      Their music folder includes a practice card, an assignment sheet, a lesson book, and sheet music. Students are allowed to forget their instrument . AND/OR. their music folder only . 3. times per semester. (September through December; January through May) A note will be sent home each time a child forgets his/her instrument . or. their music folder.

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    • [DOC File]Songwriter Split Sheets


      (if more than one day, include each day) Recording Artist: Record Label: Studio Name: Studio Address: Studio Phone Number: Sample: YES NO (Circle one) Album and Artist where Sample originated: _____ Composer/Writer 1: Address: Phone:

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      script breakdown sheet. title breakdown page # location production # stage local location distant location date . scene description story day scene #s int. ext. day night dawn dusk # of pages no. cast atmosphere props /set dressing camera wardrobe

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    • [DOC File]Event Running Sheet - Template


      Event Running Sheet - Template. INSERT NAME OF EVENT. Insert day and date of event. Insert time of event. Insert location or venue for event. Contact: insert name and number of who to contact in case of emergency TIME ACTION / TASK WHO NOTES

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    • LCMS Series A Hymn Suggestions

      Of the Day: 382 We Praise You, Jesus, at Your . Birth. Distribution: 387 Joy to the World; 384 Of the Father’s Love Begotten; 380 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. Closing: 386 Now Sing We, Now Rejoice. Christmas 1 (Dec. 29, 2019) Entrance: 389 Let All Together Praise Our. God. Of the Day: 382 We Praise You, Jesus, at Your. Birth

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    • [DOC File]Pre-Twinkle Daily Practice sheet


      Music makes my hart sing. Music makes the world ring. Music makes me feel so good. When I sing and when I play, I am joyful every day. Sing with me, I wish you would. I’m A Little Monkey. I’m a little monkey, climbing up the ladder. Climbing to the top to pick a pink banana. I’m a little monkey, climbing down the ladder,

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