What did socrates do

    • [DOC File]University of South Alabama


      Socrates was a teacher. Who was his most famous student? Explain why Socrates was put on trial. What was the verdict of his trial? What happened to Socrates? Read the link for Plato. Describe his famous book, which is still read in colleges called Republic. What did Plato think about most people in Athens? Do you think he was real smart, or ...

      what did socrates believe

    • [DOC File]The Trial of Socrates


      The judges, Socrates, who are present in court. What do you mean to say, Meletus, that they are able to instruct and improve youth? Certainly they are. What, all of them, or some only and not others? All of them. By the goddess Here, that is good news! There are plenty of improvers, then. And what do you say of the audience, - do they improve them?

      when did socrates begin to study philosophy

    • [DOC File]Name:


      Socrates chose to die. Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Socrates. Oil on Canvas, 51" x 77 ¼”, 1787 . Before ending his life by drinking hemlock, Socrates gave the Court of Athens his Apo logy – not “I’m sorry” but, literally, his “last words” to explain himself, his …

      what did socrates do wrong

    • [DOC File]Socrates - Model High School


      Finally, Socrates claims that the god has given him a “divine sign” which warns him when he is about to do something wrong. It is this sign, he says, that has prevented him from leading a “public” life of politics. Socrates responds to the charge that he is guilty of corrupting the youth, in two ways. The first way (p.

      why was socrates put to death

    • [DOC File]Socrates and Plato - Council Rock School District


      Oct 23, 2010 · Nowhere do we find Socrates resisting the overthrow of the democracy, nor welcoming its restoration. The dictatorship of the thirty Tyrants was the dictatorship of the wealthy landed aristocracy. This was the social circle from which most of Socrates’ followers were drawn. Athens understood this.

      summary of socrates philosophy

    • Socrates - Quotes, Death & Facts - Biography

      Socrates did not write any books because he believed in the superiority of rhetoric over writing. Rhetoric is speech that is used to persuade someone. What we know about Socrates comes mostly from his student, Plato. Plato wrote down his teacher’s ideas in a series of dialogues. A dialogue is a conversation between two people.

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