What does dependent variable mean in science

    • [DOCX File]The Effect of ________________ on


      The R square shows what percent of the variation in the dependent variable, state unemployment rates, is able to be explained by the independent variables. Analysis of Data and Discussion. To test the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables I used a multi-variant linear regression. This regression is shown in Table I.

      definition of dependent variable science

    • What Is a Dependent Variable in Science?

      Dependent Variable: Students at a University were split into two groups and each received a different text for a philosophy course. Once group received a traditional text book, while the other received an interactive textbook on a tablet computer.

      independent and dependent variables science

    • [DOC File]graphs - California State University, Northridge


      c. What is the dependent variable in this experiment? The maximum height of the sphere. d. What variables must be held constant throughout this experiment? The slingshot must be stretched the same amount each trial. The sphere must leave the slingshot at the same height during each trial. 4. a. What type of relationship does this graph suggest?

      what is dependent variable

    • [DOC File]Scientific Method


      (dependent) variable. Manipulated (independent) variable – the variable that causes a change in another. For example: The manipulated or indepent variable is the speed at which you move in the rain. Responding (dependent) variable – the variable that changes in response to the manipulated variable. The responding variable can be measured.

      independent variable definition science

    • Independent and dependent variables: Practice worksheet

      Dependent Variable (a.k.a._____): the variable that you _____ because of the independent variable (in the 1st example: the mouse’s heart rate). Experiment – First section is a bulleted list of _____you need to do the experiment. ... What does that really mean? Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation ...

      independent variable definition for kids



      Dependent Variable (DV): the measurable variable in the experiment which changes as a result of the independent variable; responding variable. Must be measurable!

      what does the independent variable mean

    • [DOC File]Scientific Methods Worksheet 3:


      variable, factor in an experiment. independent variable, manipulated variable, what is changed on purpose “I changed it” dependent variable, responding variable, what is measured as a result of the IV. control, comparison group in an experiment constants.factors kept the same in the control and experimental group. 3.

      def of dependent variable

    • [DOC File]Explaining Unemployment: An Analysis on State …


      Independent Variable: The variable that is controlled by the experimenter, such as, time, dates, depth, and temperature. This is placed on the X. axis. Dependent Variable: The variable that is directly affected by the I.V. It is the result of what . happens as time, dates, depth and temperature are changed. This is placed on the Y. axis.

      dependent variable definition science kids

    • [DOC File]Chapter 1 – Science Skills - Crestwood High School


      dependent variable: Mathematicians refer to the vertical axis of the graph as the y axis or ordinate, while scientists refer to it as the dependent variable. The dependent variable is dependent upon changes in the independent variable. For example, photosynthesis is dependent upon temperature.

      definition of dependent variable science

    • [DOC File]Graph Worksheet


      Dependent – state clearly what your dependent variable is. (Exactly what you will be measuring) Controlled – state each of the variables that you can and will control; state how you will control each one and why it needs to be controlled (ie – would would happen to the expected result If this factor was higher/lower and why?).

      independent and dependent variables science

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