What made rome a republic



      In 509 BCE, over 2500 years ago, the citizens of Rome created a new government. They called it THE ROMAN REPUBLIC. Who did not have rights? Although many things changed, and much improved, women, children, and slaves were still not citizens of Rome. They had no voice in government. Only adult free Roman men were citizens. What is a Republic?

      pre republic rome

    • [DOC File]Chapter 14: The Roman Republic


      Rome made allies of some former enemies by giving them protection and, in some cases, Roman citizenship and self- government. In return, Rome gained new foreign soldiers for its armed forces. By 225 B.C. more than half of the Roman army was made up of allies. The Roman’s conquests in Italy gave them the soldiers they needed to expand further.

      rome republic map

    • The Roman Republic and Its Government

      In early times, the Romans overthrew their king and made Rome into a republic. In a republic, citizens vote to elect representatives, or people who will speak and govern for them. The Romans replaced the Etruscan king with two consuls.

      why did rome become a republic

    • [DOC File]The Roman Republic


      Rome's republican form of government inspired future leaders in Europe and America.Rome became an example of a type of government ruled by a set of basic laws, or a constitution. Future political thinkers also pointed to Roman ideals of …

      rome was considered a republic because

    • [DOC File]White Plains Public Schools


      Once the Romans overthrew Tarquin, their Etruscan king, they set up a republic in which the people chose their rulers. Patricians were members of the oldest and richest families who had the most say in government.

      rome republic to empire answers

    • [DOC File]The Roman Republic - Council Rock School District


      In early times, the Romans made Rome into a republic. In a republic, citizens vote to elect representatives, or people who will speak and govern for them. The Roman Republic lasted from 509 B.C. to 27 B.C. – almost 500 years. The Romans had two consuls. The consuls managed the government for a one-year term.

      rome republic definition

    • [DOC File]The Roman Republic


      In the Republic there were different parts of the government. The three main parts of the government were the Senate, the Consuls and the Assemblies. The Senate was composed of leaders from the patricians, the noble and wealthy families of ancient Rome. They were the law makers. They controlled spending.

      pre republic rome

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