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    • [DOC File]Microsoft

      MetaKey: A key-value pair in a metadata dictionary. MetaKey.Name: The key of the key-value pair. MetaKey.Value: The value of the key-value pair. Values are strongly typed and the following types (with corresponding type code in parentheses) are supported: Integer (I) Double (D) Boolean (B) String (S) Date-time (T) Integer array (U)

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    • [DOC File]Microsoft

      key is an attribute and maps to the client req key in the client telemetry request message. There is a one-to-one mapping of the telemetry response message resp element to the telemetry request message req element (see section

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    • [DOCX File]Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)®

      Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)® Date: 5/2/2017. Name of Product: Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update (Client / PC) Description of Product: Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update is the latest version of the Windows 10 operating system for desktop and tablet devices. This conformance statement includes: Windows 10 Home. Windows ...

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    • [DOCX File]Orbit Reader 20 Plus (HT358-PLUS)

      Key mnemonics are written in capital letters for emphasis but are typed in braille lowercase (unless otherwise stated). When one key follows another, the two keys are shown with a comma between them. For example, the command Select, M means to press and release the Select key, then press and release M (Dots 1 3 4) simultaneously

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    • [DOCX File]TechForWorld

      The Ultimate Windows Run Commands List & Tricks. By Jignesh Rathod. What is the easiest and fastest way to run or open something in Windows? Of course using the Run command. If yo

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    • [DOCX File]Windows XP Information

      Note for systems with dell factory settings or systems installed with a Dell Windows XP Reinstallation DVD the Windows XP Product Key obtained by Belarc Advisor is a Dell SLP key, this is not the same as the product key printed on your COA. ... cmd and press enter. In the command prompt enter ... Note this software isn’t free when you install ...

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    • [DOC File]Eddie Jackson

      On the Type your product key for activation page, type your Windows 7 Volume Licensing product key, and then click Next. On the Help protect your computer and improve Windows automatically page, click Use recommended settings to install important and recommended updates.

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    • [DOC File]Microsoft

      4.17 Resolving Recipients and Retrieving Free/Busy Data by Using the ResolveRecipients Command 279. 4.17.1 Request 279. 4.17.2 Response for a GAL Entry 280. 4.17.3 Response for a Contact Entry 280. 4.17.4 Retrieving Free/Busy Data By Using the ResolveRecipients Command 281. Request to Retrieve Free/Busy Data 281

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    • [DOCX File]Introduction - Microsoft

      : The backup of the changed file or folder. It encapsulates the data and attributes associated with a replicated file or folder. By creating the staging file, File Replication Service (FRS) ensures that file data can be supplied to partners regardless of any activity that might prevent access to the original file.

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    • [DOCX File]Section 1 Scope - Microsoft

      Description of Product: Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update is the latest version of the Windows 10 operating system for desktop and tablet devices. This conformance statement includes: ... Where ICT with key repeat is provided and the key repeat cannot be turned off: ... The table representation should be used instead.The command console (cmd ...

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