Words to use instead of very bad



      WORD USAGE IN SCIENTIFIC WRITING This listing includes some of the most frequently troublesome words, terms, and expressions found in journal papers and manuscripts. Any glossary of word usage assumes that what is acceptable for some uses may not be …

    • [PDF File]Words and Phrases to Avoid When Discussing Your Research


      o Wordiness is the use of too many words within a sentence or paragraph for conveying an idea which can be expressed more concisely--that is, with fewer words (like this sentence!) o The sentence above can be restated without losing the essential meaning: Wordiness is …

    • [PDF File]Dirty Words - University of California, Berkeley


      Dirty Words Geoffrey Nunberg Xerox Palo Alto Research Center/ Stanford University Paper Read at session on "Dirt," MLA annual meeting, New York City, December 29, 1992. In the light of the general 19th-century obsession with dirt and pollution, it isn't surprising that the theme should figured in critical writing about the state of the language.

    • [PDF File]Respectful Disability Language: Here’s What’s Up!


      about in places like the media or in everyday conversations. The use of language and words describing people with disabilities has changed over time. It’s important that people are aware of the meaning behind the words they use when talking to, referring to, or working with the Disability Community. Disrespectful language can make people

    • [PDF File]Core Vocabulary Studies and Core Word Activities


      Core Vocabulary Studies and Core Word Activities . Core Vocabulary Core vocabulary refers to the small number of words that make up > 70-90% of what we say on a daily basis. These words are relevant across contexts and can have many meanings. Parents and therapists tasked with selecting vocabulary for a beginning communicator often turn to core

    • [PDF File]To be or not To be REPLACING TO BE VERBS


      However, most of us rely too heavily on to be verbs or use them unconsciously. To be. verbs lack the vigor and power . offered by stronger, more-action packed verbs. As a result, our writing suffers. Try the techniques below to invigorate your prose. 1. Replace the to be verb with a stronger, more specific verb: Weak & Wordy Strong & Specific

    • [PDF File]Three Telling Quotes About “Very” Mark Twain Florence King


      2. “ ‘Very’ is the most useless word in the English language and can always come out. More than useless, it is treacherous because it invariably weakens what it is intended to strengthen.” ~ Florence King 3. “So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose.

    • [PDF File]Using Appropriate Words in an Academic Essay


      Using Appropriate Words in an Academic Essay 3.1.2 Choose speci c verbs In reporting what you have gathered from reading, you will need to use a variety of verbs that suit your purpose. Rather than using the words say, show or report all the time, you can use more speciļ¬ c verbs in academic reporting as illustrated below:

    • [PDF File]Alternatives to Using There Are at the Start of Sentences


      Alternatives to Using There Are at the Start of Sentences . ... It is not really wrong to start a sentence with one of these phrases, but it is very unnecessary, and it is not the best, most effective phrasing that can be used. ... Find the word or words in the sentence that are the true

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