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    • [DOC File]Circuit to convert tumbler switch to momentary switch action


      If your flightsim and aircraft have good wave files, with frequencies going down to 5 – 10 Hz, you will get great sensations from your hands when touching throttle or elevator trim. Your feet are surprisingly sensitive, and you need very little transducer driving power to get good feeling of engine, spoiler wind vibration, and wheels touchdown.

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    • [DOC File]ImageEvent


      This "15 minute antenna" is a quarter-wave ground-plane antenna with trough reflector formed on the end of 50 ohm coaxial cable with a light sheet metal trough type of reflector. ... (x 10 range) over a 90 degree sector, so that 4 of these antenna back-to-back at 90 degs (a Quad Block) more than cover a square service footprint with sides 20n x ...

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    • [DOC File]N506RV - Van's Aircraft RV Builder Forums and News ...


      Aircraft weighed empty in level flight attitude. (Includes 8 qts. of oil, no fuel) Weight Arm Moment. Right Wheel 428 84.25 36059. Left Wheel 420 84.25 35385. Nose Wheel 294 28.5 8379. Total 1142 79832. Empty CG = 69.91 aft of datum N506RV WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA Sample: Weight Arm Moment. Aircraft 1142 79832. Fuel (6lbs/gal) 70

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    • [DOC File]the Selection Engine


      On the bottom (x-axis) might be price, say from 1-10 to make it easy, while the side (y-axis) would have performance numbers (again, for simplicity, let's make the range 1-10). You want to find the item that has the highest performance (10) and lowest cost (1).

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    • [DOC File]INTRODUCTION - Steward Observatory


      The duration of totality for an airborne observer, with three degrees of positioning freedom (X, Y and Z [or longitude, latitude and altitude]), is shown in Figure 3 as a function of the (X2+Y2+Z2)1/2 displacement of the aircraft from the shadow axis in a plane perpendicular to the axis.

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    • [DOC File]AIM: The aim of the project is to develop RFID based book ...


      Transponders are still used by military and commercial aircraft to this day. Another early work exploring RFID is the landmark 1948 paper by Harry Stockman, titled "Communication by Means of Reflected Power" (Proceedings of the IRE, pp 1196–1204, October 1948).

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    • [DOC File]Western Carolina University - Western Carolina University ...


      Washington, DC PU X 2010 Western Carolina University A.S. 2010 N/A 2010 Western Carolina University A.S. 2010 Keystone Aniline Corp. PI X 2010 Western Carolina University M.S. 2010 Ingles, NC PI X 2010 Western Carolina University A.V. 2010 N/A 2010 Western Carolina University C.W. 2010 Trace Mt. Home PI X 2010 Western Carolina University B.W ...

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    • [DOCX File]Deltasim Studio


      PT-323 (Elco) was cut in half by a kamikaze aircraft on December 10, 1944 off Leyte, yet remained floating for several hours. Another was PT-308 (Higgins), had her stern sheared off by a collision with PT-304 during a night mission in the Mediterranean on 9 March 1945 and yet returned to base for repairs.

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    • [DOC File]Requirements Specification for a Study into IP in the ...


      Aircraft in this context represent highly mobile network nodes, which are distinguished from terrestrial mobile communication users due to their speed, altitude and distance travelled. In particular, the alternative mobility scenarios outlined in Annex B, section 10.4 shall be evaluated, as well as any alternative solutions. Security

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    • [DOC File]INTRODUCTION - Steward Observatory


      At that point the aircraft is 10.7 nautical miles from mid-eclipse intercept which it will reach in 82 seconds by flying a true heading of 209.6° at a ground speed of 470 nM/hr (with no wind). Second contact has been computed to occur 17 seconds later at 22:22:10 U.T.

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