10 minute speech topic ideas

    • [DOC File]Intercollegiate Forensics SPCH 138 Spring 2010 1 unit Kresse


      8-10 minutes. 6. Speech to entertain: A humorous rhetorical address ranging from 8-10 minutes. There should be an argumentative theme that unites the speech. 7. Impromptu speaking: Usually a seven-minute overall time limit, students receive a topic, have up to two minutes to prepare, and then provide a five-minute speech that analyzes the topic.

      5 minute informative speech topics

    • [DOC File]Sample Script for Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests


      When that contest has concluded we will have a 10 minute break. After the break, we will conduct the Humorous Speech Contest. Before we begin the Table Topics Contest, I would like to introduce the Chief Judge to briefly review some of the rules for the benefit of the contestants and audience.

      informative speech topic ideas

    • [DOC File]Informative Speech Packet


      For a 5 minute speech, the introduction should be approximately 45 – 60 seconds in length. BASED ON YOUR TOPIC: What experience, expertise, education do you have regarding your topic? Use these ideas to create your credibility statement. Why should your audience be interested in your speech (what’s in it for them)?

      college persuasive speech topic ideas

    • [DOC File]Ten Minute Training Topics - SafetyFirst


      If the topic could be supported with visual aids such as having a truck handy or using pictures of actual equipment, get these items in order well in advance of the meeting. Print or photocopy handouts from our training topics and any other material you intend to use at the meeting (copies of company policies, etc.).

      10 minute presentation topics



      Topic revelations statement to reveal the purpose and topic of your speech, and . 3) preview main ideas. Keep your introduction brief (no more than 10% of the speech). The Body -The main ideas of your speech should be clearly and concisely stated and organized. -Easily identifiable supporting points should support each of your main ideas.

      10 minute training topics

    • [DOC File]Persuasive Speech Assignment


      10-15 minutes. and your speech will be timed. Additionally, you are required to . provide a pamphlet or brochure. outlining your topic and position for each member of the class to have as a reference . as you speak. These copies MAY NOT be run-off in the MHS Media Center. On the day of your presentation, you are expected to . dress professionally

      10 minute class ideas



      You are to present a 7-10 minute persuasive speech. In this speech, you should motivate your classmates to change their attitudes and behavior toward your topic. Below are some guidelines to consider regarding the content, organization and delivery of this speech. WHAT YOU TURN IN. For this speech you must turn in:

      easy 10 minute presentation topics

    • [DOC File]Persuasive Speech Requirements - Marietta College


      8-10 minute proposition of policy persuasive speech _____ Topic should pose a significant problem within the present system for which you. can offer a plan to reduce the problem. _____ Topic significance must be related to the audience. _____ The plan must include a specific course of action that you want the audience to take.

      speech topic ideas for college



      You are to present a 5-7 minute informative speech on a topic of your choice. Below are some guidelines to consider regarding the content, organization and delivery of this speech. WHAT YOU TURN IN: For this speech you must turn in: your outline of the speech (due the class period one week prior to the first speech day).

      5 minute informative speech topics

    • [DOC File]Informative Speech Topics


      Previews the body of the speech _____/4. Body. Main points are clear and in a logical order. Main points are developed with sufficient support Main points are not just a list read to the audience. Speaker identified sources within the speech. Transitions are used throughout. Good topic for an informative speech. Speaker explains things well _____/6

      informative speech topic ideas

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