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      Accounting Personnel and Front Office Functions: ( Guest ledger includes individual records for each of the hotel's registered guests or an accumulation of guest and master folios. ( Guest ledger accounting (i.e. front office accounting) includes the accumulation of guest charges, credits and payments along with outstanding balances.

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    • Fundamentals of accounting - Open University

      The accounting equation can be expanded to Assets = Liabilities + Capital + (Revenue – Expenses) to reflect the fact that an increase in profit means an increase in capital. End-of-course conclusion. This free course, Fundamentals of accounting, has introduced you to the essential concepts and skills of accounting in four interactive weeks of ...

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    • [DOC File]Key Accounting Issues for Nonprofits: Introduction ...

      SFAS Nos. 116 and 117 are available for free download in their amended format from Appendix D of SFAS No. 116, Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made, and SFAS No. 117, Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations, defines a nonprofit organization substantially the same as SFAC No. 4, paragraphs 6 and ...

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      cash basis of accounting. principle is applied, meaning that expenses are only recorded as they are paid. Appendix 11d provides a template and example of accounting procedures. Petty c ash handling. A safe has been provided for project cash funds, and project staff responsible for the project safe and cash accounting have been identified. ...

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    • [DOC File]International Accounting Standard 17

      IN2 The International Accounting Standards Board developed this revised IAS 17 as part of its project on Improvements to International Accounting Standards. The project was undertaken in the light of queries and criticisms raised in relation to the Standards by securities regulators, professional accountants and other interested parties.

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      INTRODUCTION TO AUDITING. The practice of auditing existed even in the Vedic period. Historical records show that Egyptians, Greeks and Roman used to get this public account scrutinized by and independent official. ... The emphasis now is clearly on the verification of accounting date with a view on the reliability of accounting statement ...

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