Adding positive and negative integers

    • [DOC File]Chapter 1 Review – Guided Notes

      A. Ten is the number with the larger absolute value and its original sign is negative, therefore our sum is: -6. B. 4 twelve is the number with the larger absolute value and its original sign is positive, therefore our sum is: 4. Rules for Subtracting Integers. Change the problem to its additive inverse (Cha-ching!)

      how to add and subtract integers

    • [DOC File]Adding and Subtracting Integers

      You can use the number line to help you find and understand how to add negative integers to other positive or negative integers. RULE: Adding a negative to a positive gives a result farther to the left on the number line. - + Example 1: Find the sum of 3 + (-5). Begin at 3. Then move to the left 5 units. Example 2: Find the sum of -3 + (-5)

      subtracting positive and negative numbers

    • Adding Positive and Negative Integers

      A. Rules for Adding Positive and Negative Numbers. To add two positive numbers, add and keep the positive sign. Example: (+6) + (+7) = +13. To add two negative numbers, add and keep the negative sign. Example: (-13) + (-24) = -37

      khan academy subtracting negative numbers


      (positive & negative whole numbers) 1. Song to help you remember how to add and subtract integers: Same signs, add and keep. Different signs subtract. Keep the sign of the bigger # And then you’ll be exact! (Sung to “Row, row, row your boat”) 2. KOOL to change a subtraction sentence into addition: K O O L. e p p e. e p p t’

      calculator with negatives

    • [DOC File]Here is your cheat sheet to help you remember what to do ...

      When adding positive integers, the sum will be positive. (This is the same addition you have always done.)(+5) + (+5) = +10. When adding two negative integers, just add the two integers, and the sum will be negative. (-8) + (-16) = -24. When adding integers with different signs (one positive and one negative), follow these steps: 1.

      adding and subtracting negatives and positive

    • [DOC File]Strategies for Adding & Subtracting Integers

      Working with negative numbers can be tricky, but using a number line may help. You can explore how to add and subtract positive and negative . integers, or numbers with no fractional part, in the Adding and Subtracting Integers Gizmo™. To begin, check that . Add integers. is selected. Set the . …

      adding negatives and positives games

    • [DOC File]Adding Integers

      A. Rules for Adding Positive and Negative Numbers. To add two positive numbers, add and keep the positive sign. Example: (+6) + (+7) = +13. To add two negative numbers, add and keep the negative sign. Example: (-13) + (-24) = -37

      rules for adding and subtracting negatives


      Adding Integers. The sum of two positives is a positive number. The sum of two negatives is a negative number. The sum of a positive and negative: subtract the lesser value from the greater value and keep the sign of the number with the bigger value

      adding positive and negative numbers worksheet


      Here is your cheat sheet to help you remember what to do with positive and negative numbers (integers) when adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing. Adding Rules: SAME SIGN SUM (if they have the same sign, add the #’s together) DIFFERENT SIGN DIFFERENCE (if different signs, find difference of #’s and

      how to add and subtract integers

    • [DOC File]Rules for Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing ...

      Adding integers: “Good Guys Meet Bad Guys: Slam!” (Students slam desks with hands at the end). Good guys are positive numbers and bad guys are negative numbers. When encountering one another, the group with the larger number always wins. If good guys meet good guys (i.e. you are adding two groups of positive numbers), you will obtain a sum ...

      subtracting positive and negative numbers

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