Anatomy of wrist ligaments

    • [DOC File]Anatomy Lecture Notes – Midterm 2006

      Anatomy Lecture Notes--midterm review by Stephanie Swanson. Thorax: Breast: Cooper’s Ligaments ... Intraspinous ligaments: from spinous process to spinous process. ... cutaneous of forearm Skin medial of forearm Median palm surface lat. 3.5 digits & lateral side of palm and mid of wrist Ant. compartment of forearm, 3 thenar of thumb, 2 ...

      parts of the wrist joint

    • [DOC File]Yeditepe University Pharma Anatomy

      The intra-articular ligaments within the knee joint consist of the cruciate ligaments and menisci. Cruciate ligaments (L. crux, a cross) are located in the center of the joint and cross each other obliquely, like the letter X. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the weaker of the two cruciate ligaments.

      bones of the wrist joint

    • [DOC File]Human Anatomy Chapter 8: Appendicular Skeleton

      To what structure to the cruciate ligaments attach? To what structure do the muscles of the quadriceps group attach to the tibia? There is little flexibility between the tibia and fibula; True (A) or False (B) What structures do we normally call the ankles? What bones make up the upper foot bones and posterior portion of the arches of the feet?

      ligaments of the wrist


      Presentation and Anatomy: Flexor tendons connect muscles proximal to the wrist to the fingers. When the muscles shorten, they pull on the tendons, causing the fingers to flex. Occasionally, nodules/irregularities develop along the tendons, which then interfere with their smooth movement thru "pulleys" on the palm.

      dorsal wrist ligaments

    • [DOC File]Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine 1st Year Anatomy Blog

      The forearm is between the elbow joint and the wrist joint. The forearm includes anterior and posterior regions of the forearm overlying the radius and ulna. • Hand (L. manus): is the part of the upper limb distal to the forearm. The hand is formed around the carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges. It is composed of the wrist, palm, dorsum of hand ...

      dorsal extrinsic wrist ligaments

    • [DOC File]Anatomy 2009 Upper Limb - Doctorswriting

      d) the mildly flexed position of the wrist is the most stable and is called the resting . position x extended. the wrist joint is strengthened by 4 radiocarpal ligaments x 3 radiocarpal , 1 ulnar carpal. 13. Regarding the muscles of the hand. a) the palmar interossei adduct the 2nd , 4th, 5th fingers towards the axial line CORRECT

      wrist tendons anatomy

    • [DOC File]Articulations or Joints

      1. arthrology-study of the anatomy, function, dysfunction, and treatment of joints. 2. kinesiology-study of musculoskeletal movements. 3. biomechanics-deals with a broad range of motions and mechanical processes, including blood circulation, respiration, and hearing. I. Functional classification of joints based on mobility (degree of movement):

      wrist tendons and ligaments


      GROSS ANATOMY _____-shaft-makes most of bone length and is _____bone. Diaphysis is covered by fibrous connective tissue membrane-_____-Hundreds of connective tissue fibers,called perforating or Sharpey’s fibers secure periosteum to underlying bone ... (wrist)-bound by ligaments to restrict movement between them(see 8 names p.1620) Palm ...

      volar wrist ligaments

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