Average salary of an elementary school teacher

    • [DOC File]Salaries and Benefits Schedule 2002-03 - Certificated ...


      Average Schedule Salary Paid The average salary that is paid to an employee on the teacher salary schedule. The average salary is determined by dividing the total salary schedule cost by the FTE. This information is summarized by type of district within each county.

      elementary school teachers pay

    • [DOCX File]Cochise Elementary School District 26 / Homepage


      COCHISE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT #26. Average Teacher Salary (A.R.S. 15-189.05), As added by laws 2018, Ch. 285, 3. Average salary of all teachers employed in budget year 2019$53,945. Average salary of all teachers employed in budget year 2018$49,040. Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year 2018$ 4,904 . Percentage increase 10%

      teacher salaries by state

    • [DOC File]Exemption Application - Forms & Templates (CA Dept of ...


      (Please attach a classroom teacher salary & benefits comparison for at least three other comparable school districts. The comparison should include annual classroom teacher salaries paid at the beginning, average, and maximum salary levels plus the average annual employer contributions for health & welfare benefits.)

      starting salary elementary school teacher

    • [DOC File]Guidelines for Reporting Starting Teacher Salary by Degree ...


      School B’s salary expense for a 0.5 FTE $22,000 divided by the prorated FTE 0.5 = $44,000 average salary based on a FTE. 10 Month, 11 Month and 12 Month Teachers For purposes of this data collection, a full-time teacher should be counted as 1 FTE regardless if it …

      how much do elementary school teachers make

    • [DOC File]Facts about Teaching: RESPECT Project, National ...


      The average beginning salary for public school teachers in 2011 was $39,000 and the average salary in 2009-10 was $55,350.

      elementary education salary

    • www.researchgate.net

      From these data we can calculate that the elementary school gets 83.904.407 HUF funding from the government for a year to cover the salary of teachers and staff directly assisting education.

      how much do teachers make

    • GADOE Georgia Department of Education

      Average. Salary Annual Average Openings Georgia Elementary School Teacher Bachelor Degree $46,888 2,590 Preschool Teacher Postsecondary. Vocational Training $24,419 500 Kindergarten Teacher Bachelor Degree $45,969 330 Special Education Teacher – Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary Bachelor Degree $46,358 450 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION

      best states to teach elementary school

    • [DOC File]Fall Misc - VDOE


      Please enter the average teacher salary for each school. For purposes of this data collection, only include licensed elementary and secondary classroom teachers (regardless of fund source). Include as classroom teachers art, music, physical education, technology, remedial, gifted, math, reading, special education, and ESL teachers.

      elementary teacher salaries by state



      Mr. David Davis, Science Teacher, East Norriton Middle School, at an annual salary of $46,524 (M, Step 1) TPEC effective August 28, 2007. Replacement for Mr. Glenn Weber, resignation. Ms. Louise Gaafar, Bus Helper, Special Ed Summer School, hourly rate of $15.23

      elementary school teachers pay

    • [DOCX File]FY19 Chapter 70 aid White paper, describing the major ...


      at an average salary in FY94 of $38,000. Inflation has increased this salary by 83% through FY19, to $69,677 per teacher. In per pupil terms, the rates are $3,128 for elementary, $2,753 for junior high/middle, and $4,049 for senior high.

      teacher salaries by state

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