Borax cockroaches recipe

    • [PDF File]LatherLass eBook

      For more recipe on making “green” or low-toxic cleaning ... Keeping a box of borax around for extra-tough cleaning jobs is a good start. Borax is a natural product made of sodium, boron, oxygen and water and it’s ... Get Rid of Rodents and Cockroaches ...

      borax balls to kill roaches

    • [PDF File]How to control unwanted house pests - Cool Australia

      All borax is naturally mined, there is no synthetic borax. Borax is the sodium salt of the weak boric acid. In solution, borax is strongly alka-line with a pH between 9 and 10 (pH 7 is neutral). When ingested, it reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form boric acid and sodium chloride. The boron content of Borax is 11.3% while for boric

      borax bait balls roach recipe

    • [PDF File]Healthy Home Spring Cleaning Tips Cleaning the …

      * Combine 1 part borax, 2 parts flour and 1/2 part icing sugar, then add water and mix into a dough. Place in areas where cockroaches frequent, but out of reach of pets and children. * A small container of water with a teaspoon of oil can attract cockroaches. They’ll climb in …

      does borax kill roaches

    • [PDF File]International Journal of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

      Cockroaches: Cream ¼ cup (60 ml) of shortening (or bacon drippings) and 1/8 cup (30 ml) of sugar. Mix 8 oz (240 ml or 1 cup) of powdered boric acid (or borax), ½ cup (120 ml) of flour, and ½ of a chopped small onion. Add to the sugar and shortening mixture. Blend well, then add water to form a soft dough. Shape the mixture into small balls.

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    • [PDF File]EDN ECHO Development Notes

      To control and perhaps eliminate roaches, sprinkle borax in hard-to-reach areas such as behind the refrigerator, or put a lid in the back of a cabinet with some borax in it. After a few days the cockroaches will disappear. Garden Bug Control Spray plants with a mixture of peppermint liquid soap and water (using 1 tablespoon liquid

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    • How To Kill Cockroaches With Borax: Rid Your House of Roaches – …

      Borax ½ Pound Powdered sugar 2pounds Sodium fluoride 1 Ounce Cocoa 1/ 2 ounce cocoa Mix all the ingredients in a bucket and sprinkle the mixture in areas where the bugs are found such as down any cracks or crevices in the home. The cockroaches will get the boric acid mixture on …

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