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      Does the VA provide medications for veterans? The VA provides health care. After you are enrolled, the VA will assign you a healthcare provider. A VA provider may prescribe medications for you but only after s/he evaluates your health. Continue to purchase any medications on your own using your current doctor’s prescriptions until you receive your VA prescriptions.

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      The FDA wants this product to go through the same rigorous testing that drugs must go through before being marketed. However, the FDA’s authority over this product is questioned. While Congress has recently given the FDA authority over tobacco products, this is not a tobacco product and the Electronic Cigarette Association is fighting the ban.

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      Substantial cost savings may be realized by substituting generic or other less expensive medications for those that are more costly, provided that equivalent outcomes are attained. For individual veterans, these utilization indicators can be derived from CPRS GUI (see Section 5 for more information).

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      Contrary to the hypothesis that cheaper generic drugs would lead to higher rates of abuse, we found no increase in abuse with the introduction of generic tramadol. Ultracet abuse rates, unlike those found with other widely used hydrocodone and oxycodone combination products, have been even lower than that observed for tramadol.

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      C. Discover what the patient takes and transport the medications or a list of them with you to the emergency department. D. Ask about any nonprescription drugs (eg, OTC, herbal, or illegal drugs) VIII. Summary. A. Pharmacology is the science of drugs, including their ingredients, preparation, uses, and actions on the body.

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      Mail order saves you time and money. You can get a 90-day supply of most generic and brand name drugs delivered to your mailbox. A 90-day supply of a drug costs you only one copay or less. When you order generic drugs through the mail, you pay the same copay amount or …

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