Cen tech caliper

    • [XLS File]edge.rit.edu


      Note: This measurement method may influence the result because of the voltage drop over the resistor and the stray (cable) resistance. Ideally the measurement setup should have be

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    • [DOC File]bugwoodcloud.org


      Based on a workshop held July 30-31, 2009 at the North Carolina Research and Education Center, Mills River, NC. Workshop sponsored by a grant from the Southern Region IPM Center a

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    • [DOC File]gcb_2532 401..411


      JUAN PATI N O-MARTINEZ* † , A DOLFO M AR CO*, LILIANA QUI N˜ O N E S * and L U C Y HAWKES ‡ *Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Ethology, Estacio´n biolo´gica de Don˜ ana, CSIC, Av Ame´rico Vespucio, S/N 41092, Seville, Spain, †ARANZADI Zientzia Elkartea Society of Science, Zorroaga Gaina 11, 20014, Donostia-San Sebastia´n, Spain,

      6 inch digital caliper

    • [DOC File]untitled [digital.csic.es]


      200 g), straight carapace length (SCL) and width (SCW) (Digital caliper Cen-Tech; d 5 0.01 mm; Max 5 150 mm). Their physical condition was also assessed using a righting response test: the hatchlings were initially placed on their backs and we recorded the time it took them to return to their normal position (three times per hatchling).

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