Characteristics of bipolar behavior

    • [DOC File]Guided Lecture Notes, Chapter 1

      For Bipolar disorder (Refer to . Nursing Care Plan for Care of the Depression Phase of Bipolar Disorder): Discuss significant assessment findings related to mania expected in general appearance and motor behavior, mood and affect, thought process and content, sensorium and intellectual processes, and judgment and insight (Refer to

      characteristics of bipolar people

    • [DOC File]Introduction to New Research: Understanding the Issues in ...

      Bipolar patients were also more likely to admit to feeling both irritable (mad/cranky) and sad than unipolar patients (74% vs 54%). Consistent with the previous studies described, bipolar subjects had greater psychomotor disturbances and hopelessness or pessimism. They also presented with greater suicidality and a greater number of comorbidities.

      personality of a bipolar person

    • [DOC File]Guided Lecture Notes, Chapter 1

      Distinguish between bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder. Briefly discuss characteristics of related disorders such as dysthymia, cyclothymia, substance-induced depressive or bipolar disorder, nonsuicidal self-injury, seasonal affective disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis.

      behaviors of a bipolar person

    • [DOCX File]Cambridge University Press

      Co-occurring disorders associated with suicidal behavior have included anxiety and eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, personality disorders, and insomnia. 2. 2, 35. Family history of suicidal behavior, as well as childhood trauma, emotional abuse, and neglect also have been identified as important predictors of later suicidal behavior. 1 ...

      what are the symptoms of bipolar disorder


      Mood Disorders are characterized by extreme emotions such as major depression, bipolar disorder (formerly called manic-depression) and dysthymia (a milder but chronic form of depression). Anxiety Disorders are characterized by powerful fears and avoidance behaviors.

      signs of bipolar disorder teen

    • [DOC File]Project IDEAL

      Bipolar disorder. Speech impairment . ADHD. Schizophrenia. 19. The following characteristics of ADHD inattentive type are true except: aggressive and violent behavior. does not complete schoolwork. easily distracted in class. loses materials always. 20. The following characteristics of ADHD hyperactive-impulsive type include: difficulty sitting ...

      bipolar and personality disorder traits

    • [DOC File]Characteristics of mentally ill offenders referred for ...

      Individuals with mental disorder in their late teens & early twenties are at the highest risk for criminal &violent behavior 1, 10.Race is a third variable associated with arrests for violent ...

      bipolar male personality traits

    • [DOC File]Differential Diagnosis: Antisocial Personality Disorder

      The essential feature of ASPD is a pervasive, persistent pattern of disregard for the rights of others consisting of at least 3 of the following: unlawful behaviors, deceiving others for personal profit or pleasure, lack of remorse and rationalizing their behavior, impulsivity, anger, repeated fights or assaults (be careful not to give them a diagnoses of intermittent explosive disorder unless ...

      traits of bipolar personality

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