Cold coughing up phlegm

    • [DOCX File]AssignmentHub

      Coughing up green stuff, hard stuff, yellow stuff. Then it got almost better and I was at the library reading lots of old journals with inches of dust lying on top and my allergies got bad and I got a sinus infection so I took an antihistamine, then went to the doctor when my head felt like it was going to explode and got another antibiotic.

      constantly coughing up clear mucus

    • [DOC File]Name

      Coughing up Phlegm COPD Asthma Coughing up blood Wheezing None of the above/negative Cardiovascular Neurologic Gastrointestinal Breathlessness Heart attack Edema/Swelling hands Heart murmur Phlebitis Chest pain or angina Peripheral vascular disease Palpitations Blood clots

      coughing up phlegm but not sick

    • Supportive treatment - ManageMyHealth

      Increased or thicker phlegm/mucus. Change in color of phlegm/mucus. Using quick relief inhaler/nebulizer more often. Swelling of ankles more than usual. More coughing then usual. I feel like I have a “chest cold” Poor sleep and my symptoms woke me up. My appetite is not good

      coughing up phlegm treatment

    • [DOC File]MEDICAL HISTORY & REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Please check all …

      ( I have coughed up blood recently ( I usually cough up phlegm History of Shortness of Breath. If checked, please check color of phlegm ( more in the morning (White (Yellow (Green (Brown (Rusty ( More at night. These things in my environment trigger coughing: ( I am short of breath when walking

      spitting up phlegm

    • [DOC File]Bronchitis - Littrell Radiology

      Coughing that produces phlegm (thick sputum) not associated with a cold: Yes/No. h. Coughing that wakes you early in the morning: Yes/No. i. Coughing that occurs mostly when you are lying down: Yes/No. j. Coughing up blood in the last month: Yes/No. k. Wheezing: Yes/No. l. Wheezing that interferes with your job: Yes/No

      persistent cough with clear phlegm

    • [DOC File]Kentucky Hospital Improvement Innovation Network - K-HIIN

      ( ( Coughing up blood ( ( Coughing up phlegm ( ( Asthma/wheezing ( ( Production of phlegm ( ( High blood pressure ( ( Low blood pressure ( ( Heart palpitations or rapid heartbeat ( ( Irregular heartbeat ( ( Other Digestion ( ( Little appetite ( ( Strong appetite ( ( Hunger but no desire to eat ( ( Food cravings ( ( Belching ( ( Nausea ( ( Vomiting

      coughing up phlegm for months

    • [DOCX File]Review of Systems - Cornell University

      The cough is often worse at night. Coughing does not damage the lungs. In addition, a child may have a raised temperature (fever), a sore throat, headache, and tiredness; they may be off their food. Sometimes children may be sick (vomit) after a bout of coughing. A build-up of mucus behind the eardrums may cause dulled hearing or mild earache.

      cold coughing up mucus

    • Coughing Up Green or Yellow Mucus: What It Means (Including Thi…

      Acute bronchitis usually begins with the symptoms of a cold, such as a runny nose, sneezing, and dry cough. However, the cough soon becomes deep and painful. Coughing brings up a greenish yellow phlegm or sputum. These symptoms may be accompanied by a . fever. of up to 102 deg;F (38.8 deg;C). Wheezing. after coughing is common.

      coughing up clear phlegm symptoms


      The patient has been coughing up a significant amount of phlegm that is thick and green in color. She has no fever. The caregiver has become concerned by the patient’s reduction in daily activities and an inability to get rid of her “cold.” Patient Case Question .

      constantly coughing up clear mucus

    • Respiratory Protection Plan - TRAIN

      NONE / chest pain / palpitations / swollen legs / leg pain with walking / waking up out of sleep because you can’t breathe / fainting / shortness of breath . Respiratory: NONE / shortness of breath / cough / coughing up blood / coughing up phlegm / wheezing. ... NONE / heat intolerance / cold intolerance / frequent urination / unusually thirsty.

      coughing up phlegm but not sick

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