Common symptoms of flu

    • [DOCX File]Symptoms of Flu - Florida International University

      Often we get confused about the symptoms of the flu and how they are different from a common cold. Knowing the symptoms of the flu is important and will help you act quickly to get your child feeling better faster. Common symptoms of flu include: high fever, severe headache, muscle and body aches, exhaustion and dry cough. Children often have additional flu symptoms that are rare in adults, …

      common symptoms of flu shot

    • [DOC File]Preventing the Flu

      identify the most common places the flu virus comes in contact with the body, identify flu symptoms and. identify how the body fights the flu and gets better over time. Teacher Preparation: Before the Lesson. Copy the “Catch It, Heal It” sheets for each student. There will be a total of three sheets for each student.

      first signs of the flu

    • A common problem for many of the people that you work …

      Flu symptoms also tend to occur suddenly and include high fevers (temperatures of 101 degrees F or more). In children, fevers are typically even higher than those in adults. The flu is a serious illness that can be fatal in people whose immune systems are weakened, the elderly, and …

      flu or common cold


      nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, (much more common among children than adults). Practice Other Good Health Habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Practicing healthy habits will help you stay healthy during flu season and all year long. Other Ways to Prevent The Flu

      flu symptoms 2020 nausea

    • [DOC File]Influenza (Flu )

      Common symptoms that COVID-19 and flu share include: Fever or feeling feverish/chills. Cough. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Fatigue (tiredness) Sore throat. Runny or stuffy nose. Muscle pain or body aches. Headache. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.

      early signs of flu symptoms

    • [DOCX File]Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19

      The flu-like signs and symptoms are accompanied by neck pain and confusion. This may indicate the presence of a serious neurological condition called meningitis. The child with the influenza infection is one year of age or younger and has a fever greater than 100°, fever with a rash, difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, persistent vomiting, cannot eat or drink, or has a cough that produces a "whooping" sound.

      flu symptoms adults

    • [DOC File]Fight the Flu - Louisiana Department of Health

      Discuss the differences between a cold and the flu. Remind your students that doctors cannot cure a cold like they can many other ailments. Make three columns on the board, and label them “cold”, “flu”, and “both”. Describe symptoms below. Have students correctly identify if …

      early flu symptoms adults

    • [DOC File]Materials and Tips for ESL

      Make educational materials available to families and staff on topics such as how to support your student with their recovery from pandemic flu, common symptoms of loss and grief, and constructive ways to cope with stress . Utilize Employee Assistance Programs for assistance with coping with loss and stress

      symptoms of common flu 2020

    • What Are the Early Flu Symptoms?

      Seek immediate medical care if symptoms include: Difficulty breathing, fast breathing or shortness of breath. Pain of pressure in the chest or abdomen. Sudden dizziness. Confusion or not interacting. Severe or persistent vomiting/ not drinking enough fluids. Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough. Bluish or gray skin color

      common symptoms of flu shot


      It often starts with the abrupt onset of fever, headache, fatigue, and body aches. Here's a list of flu symptoms you might feel: fever (usually high) chills. weak and fatigued for up to 2-3 weeks. aches and pains in the joints and muscles . headache. dry cough. Runny nose. sore throat. Seasonal influenza is not usually associated with gastrointestinal symptoms, like diarrhea and vomiting, at least …

      first signs of the flu

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