Critical value table

    • [PDF File]Table of Critical Values for Pearson’s r

      Table of Critical Values for Pearson’s r Level of Significance for a One-Tailed Test .10 .05 .025 .01 .005 .0005 Level of Significance for a Two-Tailed Test

      critical value table statistics


      STATISTICAL TABLES 1 TABLE A.1 Cumulative Standardized Normal Distribution A(z) is the integral of the standardized normal distribution from −∞to z (in other words, the area under the curve to …

      critical value of t chart

    • [PDF File]Table of critical values for the F distribution (for use ...

      Table of critical values for the F distribution (for use with ANOVA): How to use this table: There are two tables here. The first one gives critical values of F at the p = 0.05 level of significance. The second table gives critical values of F at the p = 0.01 level of significance. 1. Obtain your F-ratio.

      how do you find critical values

    • [PDF File]distribution critical values

      Tables • T-11 Table entry for p and C is the critical value t∗ with probability p lying to its right and probability C lying between −t∗ and t∗. Probability p t* TABLE D t distribution critical values Upper-tail probability p df .25 .20 .15 .10 .05 .025 .02 .01 .005 .0025 .001 .0005

      t critical table

    • [PDF File]TABLE C distribution critical values - University of Utah

      P1: OSO FREE013-TABLE FREE013-Moore August 19, 2008 11:15 Table entry for C is the critical value t∗ required for confidence levelC.To approximate one- and two-sided P-values, compare the value of the t statistic with the critical values of t∗ that match the P-values given at the bottom of the table.

      chi square critical value table

    • [PDF File]Critical Values of Fmax for Hartley s Homogeneity of ...

      Critical Values of F max for Hartley’s Homogeneity of Variance Test The upper value in each box is for α = 0.05. The lower value is for α=0.01. The test assumes that there are equal sample sizes in each group (n). For unequal sample sizes, use the smaller of the df for the two variances being compared. DF (n-1) Number of treatments (k)

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