Ddsd oklahoma

    • [PDF File]OKDHS/DDSD

      (DDSD) staff use the criteria given in subsection (b) of this Section to determine the necessity of publicly funded supports. Area-$39,541 State-$53,381 Plans that exceed the statewide, congregate, average annual expenditure by more than 35%

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      Division (DDSD) are working collaboratively to ensure New Mexico meets this federal requirement and implements PCS EVV in 2020. • HSD intends to submit an application for a Good Faith Effort (GFE) exemption that would provide for an extension of up to one year of the required date of implementation.

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      DISABILITY AND ICF-MR LEVEL OF CARE DETERMINATION FOR AN OKDHS/DDSD WAIVER. A portion of DDSD waiver eligibility, per OAC 317:40-1-1, is the requirement that individuals be determined disabled, have a diagnosis of ID/MR, and. require an ICF-MR level of care. This form is for OHCA use in determining these areas.

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    • [PDF File]WTH 10001 Oklahoma Quarterly Wage Withholding Tax …

      Oklahoma Quarterly Wage Withholding Tax Return The information contained in this return and any attachments is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Do not fold, staple, or paper clip Please Detach Here and Return Coupon Below Oklahoma Quarterly Wage Withholding Tax Return Taxpayer Copy/Worksheet Revised 2-2014 WTH 10001 10001

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    • [PDF File]Oklahoma Department of Human Services

      directing the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) to close the Southern Oklahoma Resource Center (SORC) by April 30, 2014, and the Northern Oklahoma Resource Center of Enid by August 31, 2015. In accordance with the resolution, this document sets forth the plans to phase-down and cease ... (DDSD) Director will appoint a

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    • [PDF File]Developmental Disabilities Services

      limitations) are encouraged to apply for services at the Oklahoma Department Of Human Services, Developmental Disabilities Services. Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) offers a wide array of community services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Services are individualized to meet each person's needs. DDSD

      oklahoma ddsd policy

    • [PDF File]282 Training Reimbursement - Community Access, Inc.

      282 Training Reimbursement Effective Date: 10/1/2013 Revision Date: CAI employees must attend DHS/DDSD mandated training (See DDSD Policy 340:100-3-38 thru 38.9 at CAI employees are hired into programs which they will work in, these programs have different training requirements and deadlines (deadlines are calculated from hire date).

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    • Developmental Disabilities Waiver Service Standards

      The Developmental Disabilities Supports Division ( DDSD) would like to acknowledge the assistance, time, and expertise of many people who contributed to the development of these DD Waiver Service Standards. DDSD received input over many months from people receiving

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    • [PDF File]Resources and Services Directory

      The mission of the Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) is to enable people with disabilities to lead healthy, independent and productive lives to the fullest extent ... DDSD Area I Office (Oklahoma City) 405/522-6925 . 2401 N.W. 23rd FAX 405/522-6995 . Oklahoma City, OK 73107 .

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      The Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) has been working to create a comprehensive training system for DDSD and provider agency staff. This quarterly training schedule is published to provide you with a comprehensive list of approved courses and conferences which meet the requirements for DDSD mandated training.

      ddsd services oklahoma

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