Dicamba damage in soybeans

    • [DOC File]Kansas State University


      Whole soybeans are used to produce soy sprouts, baked soybeans, roasted soybeans and traditional soy foods such as miso, tofu, soy milk and soy sauce. Cracked soybeans have the hull (seed coat) removed and are then rolled into flakes which undergo solvent extraction to remove the oil.

      dicamba herbicide for soybeans

    • Dicamba Drift Damage - 4 Steps to Take if Happens to You - DTN …

      If you suspect that your crops or plants have been damaged by dicamba, contact Peiffer Wolf by filling out an online contact form or by calling 314-833-4826. In 2017, 3.6 million acres of soybeans on 2,708 farms nationwide were damaged by dicamba, according to the estimate of University of Missouri crop science professor Kevin Bradley.

      dicamba damage beans

    • [DOC File]dicambadrift.com


      Although various formulations of dicamba have been in use for many years, its use attracted national attention when the Plant Board received more than 1,000 complaints of herbicide damage in soybeans and other crops in 2017, many of which were believed to be caused by neighboring growers’ application of off-label dicamba formulations to their ...

      dicamba injury

    • [DOC File]Roundup


      Conventional soybean varieties are very susceptible to dicamba herbicides. So when the new dicamba-resistant soybean types came out, many producers opted to plant them. And in turn, off-target dicamba drift onto nearby non-resistant fields became a problem, leading to regulations that have been tightened even further for this year.

      dicamba drift to soybeans

    • [DOCX File]uaex.edu


      Minute quantities of dicamba may cause injury to non-Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans, XtendFlex™ soybeans and other sensitive crops (see the “Sensitive Areas” section of this label for a listing of sensitive crops). Clean equipment immediately after using this product, using a …

      dicamba drift damage

    • [DOC File]ATTACHMENT 2 - Food Standards


      Monsanto has produced a transgenic trait for resistance to an herbicide called dicamba, that they are stacking (or adding to) soybeans that have glyphosate resistance. Some formulations of the dicamba herbicide are volatile, and there is risk that when farmers spray dicamba it will drift into neighboring fields and field edges, potentially damaging other crops and wild plants in field edges and natural …

      reporting dicamba damage

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