Dodi 1340 26


      DoD Instruction 1010.16, Technical Procedures for the Military Drug Abuse Testing Program, 9 December 1994 . AFI 44-120, Drug Abuse Testing Program, 1 July 2000 . AFI 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program, 26 September 2001. Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2002) [hereinafter MCM]

      department of defense instructions


      Data eliberării licenţei Ababii Gheorghe 413 25.02.02 Ababii Lilia 994 12.12.02 Adam Alexandru 1509 16.06.08 Adascaliţa Alexandru 119 28.09.01 Afanas Marin 1855 11.03.10 Afanas Tatiana 1796 11.01.10 Ahmedov Ruslan 1372 27.12.07 Ailoi Ion 1795 11.01.10 Airapetean Artur 1490 16.06.08 Aladova Anna 1577 11.12.08 Albu Inga 1600 16.12.08 Albu ...

      dod instruction 1300.26

    • [DOCX File]DFAR |

      (K) In the “Local Area Set Aside” data field, indicate if the contract action resulted from a local area set-aside in accordance with FAR 26.202. (L) In the “FedBizOpps” data field, enter “Yes” if the award was greater than $25,000 in value and subject to FAR 5.2 synopsis requirements.

      dodi 1340.26 assignment and special duty pays

    • [DOC File]Title

      The responses to this question show that the teachers were surprised by the performance of 10 pupils (25% of the sample) and very surprised by a further 4 pupils (10%). The teachers were not surprised by the performance of 26 (65%).

      dodi 4515.13

    • [DOC File]Informaţia din Registrul licenţelor privind exercitarea ...

      Data eliberării licenţei Ababii Gheorghe 413 25.02.02 Ababii Lilia 994 12.12.02 Adam Alexandru 1509 16.06.08 Adascaliţa Alexandru 119 28.09.01 Adjîghirei Sergiu 1000 12.12.02 Ahmedov Ruslan 1372 27.12.07 Airapetean Artur 1490 16.06.08 Aladova Anna 1577 11.12.08 Albu Inga 1600 16.12.08 Albu Vasile 1007 12.12.02 Alexandru Mihail 572 22.03.02 ...

      dodi 5000.66

    • [DOC File]Informaţia din Registrul licenţelor privind exercitarea ...

      Dodi Ariadna 1223 25.12.06 Urîtu Nicolae 1224 25.12.06 Pleşca Valeriu 1225 25.12.06 Spinei Andrei 1226 25.12.06 Pahopol Natalia 1227 25.12.06 Hîncu Sergiu 1228 25.12.06 Havrun Alexandru 1229 25.12.06 Dulghieru Diana 1230 25.12.06 Matcovschi Marian 1231 25.12.06 Ganea Valentin 1232 25.12.06 Moraru Svetlana 1233 25.12.06 Miroliubov Rodica 1234 ...

      dod issuances

    • [DOCX File]Chapter 3 - Military Assistance Program Address Directory ...

      C3.1.1. Purpose. This chapter establishes information requirements for the Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD). This chapter prescribes the standards to establish, maintain, publish, and disseminate address data to requiring Military Service organizations, Federal agencies, foreign country representatives, freight forwarders, and commercial firms under DoD contracts who are ...

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    • [DOCX File]

      25.02.02. Numele de familie „Negru” s-a schimbat în „Nastas” în baza dispoziţiei ministrului justiţiei nr.26 din 24.01.07. Sîrghi Viorel. 383. 25.02.02. Petrov Victor. 384. 25.02.02. Licenţa retrasă în temeiul ordinului Ministrului Justiției nr. 137 din 31 martie 2015.

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