Famous greek city states

    • Ancient Greece for Kids: Greek City-States

      With the men away for so long, the women took charge. As in other Greek city-states, they could not vote or hold office. But they could own land and even go to court. Women owned about one-third of Spartan land. They married older (age 18) than other Greeks. They were known for standing up to their husbands. A famous Greek writer said

      major ancient greek city states

    • [PDF File]City-States and Alliances in Ancient Greece.


      difficult to bring all the Greek people together under one government. By 750 B.C., Greek communities had grown into city-states. The Greek word for city-state is polis. The polis was a town, city, or village and its surrounding countryside. Athens and Sparta were the Date: for Power two most famous Greek city-states, and they were very different.

      greek city states and culture

    • [PDF File]PREVIEW The Geography of Greece


      Sep 20, 2016 · comes from the Greek root words monos (which means “one”) and arkhein (which means “rule”). From about 2000 B.C.E. to 800 B.C.E., most Greek city-states were ruled by monarchs—usually kings (the Greeks did not allow women to have power). At first, the Greek kings were chosen by the people of the city-state.

      greece city states

    • [PDF File]Steilacoom Historical School District No. 1 / Homepage


      more famous city-states were Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Delphi, and Thebes. Name: _____ Can you find some of the more famous city-states on the map of Ancient Greece? Circle the city-states. Spartan boys were trained to be soldiers. When the Persians invaded Greece, the other city-Sparta Sparta was a place of great determination.

      main greek city states

    • [PDF File]Ancient Greek Activities - FISD


      civilizations soon arose on the Greek mainland. About 2000 B.C., groups of people migrated to the Greek mainland. Over the centuries, these communities grew into cities. The cities then grew into city-states. Each one developed its own pattern of life. The greatest of the early city-states was Mycenae (my SEE nee). As Mycenae grew, so did its ...

      ancient greek cities

    • [PDF File]Two Very Different City-States: Sparta and Athens


      Without traditional city-states, the leagues created from then on were no longer the same either. Greek cities were merged in the Macedonian empire, and in other empires that followed the death of Alexander. Reasons for independent city-states The most obvious reason why city-states chose to remain independent is the dif­

      all ancient greek city states

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