Fidelity money market interest rates

    • [PDF File]Money Market Mutual Funds and Market Conditions March 19 ...

      Some money market mutual funds, called municipal money market funds, invest some of their assets in short-term debt securities issued by states, cities, towns, hospitals and other similar entities. While the municipal securities markets have been less liquid and rates have

      fidelity money market rates today

    • [PDF File]Fidelity Premium Money Market Private Pool

      Interest $ –$ – s 5 2 T) 5 2) s 69 70 ... Fidelity Canadian Money Market Fund - Series O $ 6 $ 32,564 $32,564 TAL INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES – 100.0% $32,564 32,564 % 3 % $32,567 Presentation Notes Cost amount includes broker commissions and other trading expenses, if˚any. r. rt rt 7 Fidelity Premium Money Market Private Pool Fund Specific Notes to Financial Statements For the period ...

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    • [PDF File]Fidelity Canadian Money Market Fund

      2018-12-31 · Fidelity Canadian Money Market Fund, Series B, returned 0.58%, after fees and expenses, for the six-month period ended December 31, 2018. The net returns of the other series of this Fund are similar to those of Series B, except for differences attributable to expense structures. Market overview:

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    • [PDF File]Fidelity Premium Money Market Private Pool

      2019-06-30 · Fidelity Premium Money Market Private Pool, Series B, returned 1.24%, after fees and expenses, for the one-year period ending June 30, 2019. The net returns of the other series of this Fund are similar to those of Series B, except for differences attributable to …

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    • [PDF File]Fidelity Perspectives on the Markets

      Fidelity Perspectives on the Markets Fidelity investment leaders share their views on recent market volatility and the current trends influencing asset prices Key takeaways • Market volatility spiked early in 2018, largely due to higher inflation causing interest rates to rise across the yield curve. • A strong macroeconomic backdrop and

      fidelity interest rates on cash

    • [PDF File]Fidelity U.S. Money Market Fund

      2018-12-31 · During the period, in response to the exceptionally low market interest rates available on short-term fixed-income investments of the kind in which the Fund invests, Fidelity waived a portion of the management fees it normally would charge for the management of the Fund, to ensure that the Fund’s investors continued to receive a positive ...

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