Free mental health trainings

    • [DOCX File]Mental Health Training and Education

      is a resource offered by Mental Health Technology and Transfer Center (MHTTC) that identifies several trainings and resources to increase educator mental health literacy, including online courses, websites, and workshops.

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    • [DOC File]

      We provide free mental health trainings. We focus on first responders, LEOs, home care agencies, senior programs, etc. What’s your focus? Case Discussion concerning COVID-19; several cases discussed. Isolation is a big concern.

      free mental health training programs

    • [DOCX File]Recognizing and Responding to Older Adult Behavioral ...

      Sep 22, 2016 · This website offers general information on Mental Health First Aid including trainings in rural areas and for Spanish-speaking populations. Website. Free. ... This compendium lists free resources including trainings, tests, and policies to enhance learning for care providers and volunteers on dementia care. There is a section specifically ...

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      Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) Training Program. Purpose: The primary goal of this training is to teach skills to support peers to better self-manage chronic physical health conditions, and mental illnesses and addictions, to achieve whole health. Whole health is defined as having a healthy mind and body.

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    • [DOCX File]Free online training resources - Minnesota Department of ...

      Many of the trainings listed are an hour in length. It’s easy to get distracted or interrupted when viewing an online training. Consider watching the training in short, planned out segments, rather than all at once. Practice WIC Application. Many of these trainings are focused on nutrition and health knowledge.

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    • [DOCX File]Safe Zones Flyer - Mental Health Connection

      All of the trainings are free, including the SAFE ZONE training. Make a commitment today for the following trainings, each of which will immediately follow the monthly Mental Health Connection membership meeting at Lena Pope: Monday, April 9, 2018Gender Identity and Understanding. Register at: https://gender-identity-and-understanding ...

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