Fun questions to ask teenagers

    • [PDF File]PDF Bullying Awareness Lessons, Activities and Resources

      out, you begin to ask questions in a circle. Each M&M represents a question. (Red could be "Name one ho bby" and blue could be "Name one of your favorite bands".) You pick which M&M to answer for; when you answer, you can eat the M&M. You must say your name before you answer a question. (The time for this is dependent on group size.) 5. Three Words

    • [PDF File]PDF Nutrition Jeopardy Questions and Answers-1

      Nutrition Jeopardy Questions and Answers Game Number One Food Groups 100 - This food group has bread, rice and pasta products and provides you with energy. What is the Grain Products group? 200- Calcium plus vitamin D are the main nutrients in this food group. What is the Milk Products group?

    • [PDF File]PDF Games - for Junior or Senior High Youth Groups

      Ask them to dress up (optional) and wait in several different rooms in your facility. The farther apart the Sages are the better. Next, prepare a sheet for each youth that has questions that only a "Sage" would be able to answer. They can be fun, silly, serious or related to your talk. Each Sage should have the answer to only one or two questions.

    • [PDF File]PDF THE CRITICAL THINKING - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything

      The activity pages in the Critical Thinking ... Each activity encourages you to answer the questions as a way of exploring assumptions and some ... Should he: A) Give it to lost and found B) Ask if it belongs to anyone there C) Keep it and not say anything 2. Judy's friend is stressed about an ...

    • [PDF File]PDF Creation: the Beginning of Life As We Know It

      CREATION: THE BEGINNING OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT TEACHER INSIGHT ... Don't ask questions that can be answered with one word (e.g., Do ... I hope this adventure through God's Story is going to teach us a lot and allow us to have some fun while we experience it together. Before we begin, let me ...

    • [PDF File]PDF 75 M.O.M. Group ICEBREAKERS - Home - The Mom Initiative

      !Ask the women in the room to all gather in the middle and then ask them to go to the!!left wall or the right wall based on their preference on a given topic. Here are some !!examples for you but have fun making up some that might go with the them of the topic !!of your M.O.M. Group, or talk, as well.! • Morning brew?

    • [PDF File]PDF

      adolescent first. In fact, ask the adolescent to introduce you to the other people in the room This gives the adolescent a clear message that you are interested in him/her. Understanding Of Confidentiality: Ask either the parents or the youth to explain their understanding of confidentiality or confidential health care.

    • [PDF File]PDF Teen Talk's Drug Trivia Game

      Teen Talk's Drug Trivia Game Note to Facilitators: This activity requires that the person facilitating has a basic understanding of the effects and risks of common substances. For more information on substances check out the Substance Use Awareness chapter of the Teen Talk Service Provider Manual (available on, or the many

    • [PDF File]PDF 40 Icebreakers for Small Groups - Insight

      40 Icebreakers for Small Groups 7 Would you rather..? Questions may range from silly trivia to more serious content. On the way you might find out some interesting things about your young people! Place a line of tape down the centre of the room. Ask the group to straddle the tape.

    • [PDF File]PDF Good Icebreaker Questions - Clover Sites

      Good Icebreaker Questions: These questions are taken from Gary Poole's book, The Complete Book of Questions . I will give them to you in various categories. A well place question can help enormously in opening people in your group up. I would encourage you to wait on the answers from your group. Silence is not your enemy, and

    • [PDF File]PDF 365 Table Topics Questions

      7. Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know? 8. Who do you love and what are you doing about it? 9. What's a belief that you hold with which many people disagree? 10. What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago? 11. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength? 12.


      outweigh their weaknesses. Ask your mentee to reflect on these questions and try to answer them honestly. This exercise can give you the opportunity to validate your mentee‟s positive self-perception. What three things do I like about myself? 1 2 3 What are my strengths? 1 2 3 What activities can make me a better and stronger person? 1 2 3 E/M/H

    • [PDF File]PDF Ice Breaker Questions for Kids - San Diego, CA

      Fun Get to Know You Questions for Kids The best way to use ice breaker questions for kids at any event is to make a game out of them. You can have all the kids divided in groups of three or four. Write a number of funny questions on chits and place them in a bowl. Shuffle them and ask each kid to pick a chit. Make them answer the

    • [PDF File]PDF Teen Job Interview Questions and Sample Answers

      Teen Job Interview Questions and Sample Answers 1. Why are you looking for a job? Suggested Answers I would like to work so that I can earn some spending money. I appreciate my parent's help, but I'd like to have a little more money to spend on my own. Ever since I could remember, I have looked forward to the day I was old enough to get a job.

    • PDF Five Out of the Box Techniques for Encouraging Teenagers to ...

      Five Out of the Box Techniques for Encouraging Teenagers to Engage in Counseling Elisabeth D. Bennett, Kathy Le, Kevin Lindahl, Spencer Wharton, and Tin Weng Mak Bennett, Elisabeth D., is a professor and program director of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Gonzaga University where she teaches and supervises

    • [PDF File]PDF We Can! CATCH Kids Club Questionnaire

      The following questions ask about foods and meals you eat, and what you know about nutrition and physical activity. This is not a test. We want to learn about what kids your age eat and know about nutrition and about physical activity. The answers you give will be kept private. No one will ever know what you say unless you tell them.

    • [PDF File]PDF Quizzes for Teenagers - February 2015

      Answer 1: (c) 600 million tons (which means that the sun consumes the equivalent of the mass of the earth every 70,000 years) Answer 2: (a) little fly Answer 3: (c) 67 (making it the planet with the largest number of moons in secure orbit in the Solar System. Correct on 17th Feb 2015) Answer 4: (b) Secure Digital

    • [PDF File]PDF Grades 9 to 12 • STDs - KidsHealth

      1. Ask for volunteers to give the talk that they wrote for Abby to the class. 2. Create STD factsheets to go along with the talks. Include symptoms and prevention information for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts (HPV), genital herpes, and HIV. Grades 9 to 12 • Health Problems Series. STDs

    • [PDF File]PDF Note: Whole Teen Assessment: Question Bank

      WHOLE TEEN ASSESSMENT: QUESTION BANK Social Determinants of Health Questions to Add to Client Intake Interviews and Forms Purpose A "social determinants of health" approach views teen pregnancy and other adolescent health outcomes as the product of the conditions in which teens live, learn, work

    • [PDF File]PDF 52 Mentor Activities: An activity for each week!

      interesting in your school. Prepare a list of questions with your mentee and see if you can set‐ up an interview with a teacher, the school nurse, the PE teacher or the principal. 15) Make a bird feeder. Do your research on what types of birds are in your area. Find out about

    • [PDF File]PDF TOP 15 Career Day Questions for Students to Ask

      TOP 15 Career Day Questions for Students to Ask St. Mark's Career Day is an opportunity for you to explore different careers by learning from alumni, parents and friends who are experts in their respective fields. Active dialogue with your hosts or presenters will help you make the most of this opportunity.

    • [PDF File]PDF Career Day Suggested List of Question To Ask Guest Speakers

      Career Day Suggested List of Question To Ask Guest Speakers Questions of General Interest 1. Why did you choose this job? 2. How many years have you been working on your job? How many more years do you plan on working at your job? 3. Do you enjoy your

    • [PDF File]PDF Grades 9 to 12 • Self-Esteem - KidsHealth

      Grades 9 to 12 • Personal Health Series Self-Esteem When you picture yourself in your mind, what do you see? Do you feel good about who you are, how you see yourself, and how others see you? Feeling good about yourself affects how you act and live. These activities will help your students

    • [PDF File]PDF Reflection Activities

      Tough Questions: As participants arrive, form small groups and ask each group to identify one or more "tough questions" they want answered before the end of the training. Ask the groups to write only one question per index card or post-it note. Invite participants to review the cards throughout the day and ensure that all

    • [PDF File]PDF 100 Warm-Up Questions for ESL Students

      There are 100 questions here, and they include easy and advanced topics. Some of them could be answered in one word or, if the mood takes everyone, could be an hour-long discussion. However, for most of the questions here, three to five minutes is recommended, plus another minute or two for the teacher to do a round-up.

    • [PDF File]PDF Four Activities for Peer Pressure Intro - What's the Big Idea?

      Four Activities for Peer Pressure Intro The following questions will get students thinking about the issue of peer pressure: Describe the term peer pressure in your own words. What is the difference between negative and positive peer pressure? List one example of positive peer pressure. Which kinds of pressure seem to be the hardest for you to ...

    • [PDF File]PDF 100+ Ideas for Directed Sandtrays in Counseling

      48 Journal of Education and Human Development, Vol. 4(1), March 2015 67. Make a scene of your family doing something (similar to the kinetic family drawing prompt).

    • [PDF File]PDF What Do Teens Ask Their Online Social Networks

      States) who use a variety of SNS platforms to ask questions. These studies point to teenagers as a group likely to ask questions using social media, yet researchers don't know much about what teenagers' online Q&A behaviors are like. We have begun to address this gap through a

    • [PDF File]PDF 81 Fresh & Fun Critical-Thinking Activities

      3. Ask students questions to assess their understanding of the problem. 4. Welcome different strategies for solving the problem. Encourage divergent thinking. 5. Observe children as they work in order monitor their problem-solving skills. 6. Give helpful hints to those children who are having difficulty finding ways to approach the problem. 7.

    • [PDF File]PDF TEEN SURVEY INSTRUCTIONS - Positive Action

      Of course, some questions imply a one-word answer (question 11, for example). However, for the most part these questions are designed to get the teen's true feelings about certain matters. Especially important are questions 1, 7, 8 and 9. These questions should be answered thoughtfully and thoroughly. Ask the teens to go into detail on these ...

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