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    • [DOC File]The State of The Art (v1

      'My God, what's happening!' Sammil Mc9 cried, waking up. The cart he and his companion had hitched a ride on was shaking violently. Mc9 put his grubby hands on the plank of rotten wood which formed one of the cart's sides and looked down at the legendary Road, wondering what had caused the cart's previously merely uncomfortable rattling to ...


      Tiffany is swept up in the rhythm and steps into the dance, displacing Summer and causing the Wintersmith to fall in love with her. This story reaches back to myth in its exploration of female coming of age: Tiffany becomes Summer, who represents life and fertility, and she is courted by her first besotted suitor, the Wintersmith, who ...

    • [DOC File]

      In the Bible, the Old Testament and the New, attitude of heart seems to be higher up in God’s priority list than any music style. Our worship should engage our spirit not our taste in music, that’s the kind of people God is looking out for: those who are simply and honestly themselves in worship.

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