Herbs that work like viagra

    • [PDF File]Herbal Options Exist for Erectile Dysfunction


      creases nitric oxide and “works like a natural Viagra,” Dr. Linkner said. The recommended dose is 200-1,000 mg. Muria puama. In European studies, this extract of a shrub (Ptychopetalum olacoides) from the Amazon has been shown to increase erections and libido. It is listed in the British Herbal Phar-macopoeia as a treatment for erectile

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    • [PDF File]NO Sex, Have Life, Have Fun - A Sound Strategy Inc.


      You may be familiar with certain medications that work to boost NO levels—nitro-glycerin is used to treat angina and other heart conditions, and Viagra® (sildenafil) is the popular “magic blue pill” that is widely prescribed for erectile dysfunction. NO boosting supplements are also

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    • [PDF File]Drugs That Grow Hair


      Drugs That Grow Hair 5-alpha-reductase, if inhibited in a developing fetus, might result in a male child with a very small penis. People who are missing the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase type II—and there are families of them—have boys who are born looking like little girls. But at age twelve, the tes-ticles descend and they become men.

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    • [PDF File]New England Family Acupuncture New Patient Forms


      New England Family Acupuncture – New Patient Forms (Please fill out and sign before your first appointment) ... herbs or supplements you are currently taking for this condition: ... Difficulty maintaining erection Use of Viagra, Cialis or Levitra Prostatitis ...

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    • [PDF File]gland, which lies in the area of the brain responsible for ...


      It's all done with science and Chinese herbs. I met Chi at the Anaheim Expo West. One of the supplements he had for sale was a little white bottle of capsules labeled Super X. I noted all of the “old” fellows buying the stuff. Out of curiosity I asked Dr. Chi what it did. "Oh, it's an herbal Viagra that really works," he humbly told me.

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    • [PDF File]P a l e o S o l u t i o n - 3 6 9 - Robb Wolf


      oregano oil, actually, a bunch of some other herbs. I've forgotten exactly what I did. I have to dig back through some files to see what herbs I took. But we used herbs like that in our practice all the time and it worked really well. We know they work really well because we redo the test that found the problem and we see that they work really ...

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    • [PDF File]Erectile dysfunction: The interest of the scientific community


      disorders, a physical cause like trauma, side effects of drugs and surgery. Any condition that can cause damages to the nerves or impair blood flow in the penis may lead to erectile dysfunction. Many common thera-peutic drugs, as blood pressure drugs, antihistamines, …

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    • [PDF File]For A Strong Sexual Performance


      And even when it comes to erection health, I'm not against taken drugs like Viagra or Cialis… It's just that many doctors (not all) are way too quick to prescribe drugs, rather than letting the patient explore natural methods to correcting the problem.

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    • [PDF File]A multifaceted peer reviewed journal in the field of ...


      tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited ... The researchers from Indonesia studied the effect of traditional herbS such as egg, bee honey, fingerroot, cardamom, and vitamin as a dietary ... like as Viagra.[52] (ii) Alkaloids, xanthins and other amines, are natural

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    • Investigating a not-so-natural high

      least some of the herbs which are de- ... maceutical products like Viagra that are sold over the Internet,” Auwa¨rter says. “They have a whole system of distribu-tion. Commonly, they have a base over- ... researchers will also work on finding me-tabolites in urine that could be used to detect consumption, even days after the

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    • [PDF File]Traditional healers in East Africa


      The range of herbs used is broad and such herbs are widely ... The herbs must have acted very much like Viagra, for they helped men ... can work together so that they each benefit from what is

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    • [PDF File]Dietary Supplements in Veterinary Practice - Pet Wellness


      Dietary Supplements in Veterinary Practice Robert J. Silver DVM, MS, CVA RxVitamins.com for Pets rsilver@DrSilverDVM.com Herbs and nutraceuticals are becoming used more commonly by clients for their pets. As a result, veterinarians need to know about these novel remedies in order to evaluate their impact on their patients.

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      Tummy Tamer work like a liquid band aid by nourishing, protecting and soothing the intestinal lining. Usual Dosage: One dose three times daily. PRODUCT # SIZE 276 168 gm Nourish, protect and sooth intestinal lining • Soothing blend of vitamins and herbs Treats gut irritations • Helps prevent IBS, ulcers and chronic abdominal pain

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    • [PDF File]'Alternative' Medicine Is Mainstream - Qigong


      potent -- similar to the way that circulation-increasing drugs like Viagra work. For many people, these are choices worth making -- not just to live longer, but also to live better. It's time to move past the debate of alternative medicine versus traditional medicine, and to focus on what works, what doesn't, for whom, and under which ...

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